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Voici la fin du jour... Je crains et j'hesite, Mon coeur bat plus vite En ce sejour... Quand je vais an jardin, jardin d'amour." The baker sat down on a stool he had brought, and began to tune his fiddle. From inside came the voice of the Notary. "Play 'The Woods are Green' first," he said. "Then the other."

These gentlemen often made wagers or bets among themselves; and I heard the Duke of Vicenza one day bet that Monsieur Jardin, junior, equerry of his Majesty, mounted backwards on his horse, could reach the end of the avenue in front of the chateau in the space of a few moments; which bet the equerry won.

He went to the Jardin du Roi; M. de Buffon, who received him there, offered him a copy of his works; the Prince declined accepting the book, saying to M. de Buffon, in the most polite manner possible, "I should be very sorry to deprive you of it." It may be supposed that the Parisians were much entertained with this answer.

A wooded alley leading to the great park runs between the main edifice and the Chateau d'Enghien, a gentle incline descending again to the sunken gardens in a monumental stairway of easy slope, the whole a quintessence of much that is best of the art of the landscape gardener of the time. To the left extends the vast Jardin Anglais a veritable French Jardin Anglais.

And as she went she heard his voice humming soft and low, "Isabeau s'y promène Le long de son jardin, Le long de son jardin, Sur le bord de l'île, Le long de son jardin." "How could he help singing," murmured Virginia, fondly. "Ah, dear Heaven, but I am the happiest girl alive!" Such a difference can one night bring about. The day rose and flooded the land with its fuller life.

This last drop of bitterness, and the cruel spectacle of social disorder, Buffon had been spared; he had died at the Jardin du Roi on the 14th of April, 1788, preserving at eighty years of age, and even in the feebleness of ill health, all the powers of his intelligence and the calm serenity of 'his soul.

But the style of dancing, in its whirl, its rush, its fury, is only equalled by that of the masked balls at the French Opera, and the balls at the Salle Valentino, the Jardin Mabille, the Chateau Rouge, and other favorite resorts of Parisian Grisettes and Lorettes.

As soon as he was dressed he asked for his horse; and as an unlucky chance would have it, Jardin, superintendent of the stables, could not be found when the horse was saddled, and the groom did not put on him his regular bridle, in consequence of which his Majesty had no sooner mounted, than the animal plunged, reared, and the rider fell heavily to the ground.

Nothing has been taught them, but they have a rude notion of everything. They have seen pineapples at Chevet's, a palm-tree in the Jardin des Plantes, sugar- canes selling on the Pont-Neuf.

"I didn't even know it was you," he had said curtly. That had hurt her at the time, but now it seared into her. The rescue had meant nothing it had brought him no nearer to her. He was still cold and aloof. She saw him in the Jardin de la Fontaine, lifting his hat with formal politeness and making to move on. Still aloof, still encased in cold reserve.