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In those days she had, perhaps, never heard the remark of Mademoiselle Mars, who was the most charming of Juliets at sixty. "Si j'avais ma jeunesse, je n'aurais pas mon talent." Coming back then to her Kentucky home from the ill-starred Californian trip, Mary Anderson seems to have determined to essay again the lowest steps of the ladder of fame.

It was this Prince Ludwig who, to ask advice about the education of his children, had written to Rousseau, whose well-known answer began with the suspicious-looking phrase, "/Si j'avais le malheur d'etre ne prince/." Not only in the affairs of the prince, but also in the education of his children, Schlosser was now willingly to assist in word and deed, if not to superintend them.

She sat on the veranda of her villa and looked' out on the moonlit Mediterranean and wanted to cry "J'avais enbie de Pleurer" because she was all alone, having entertained at dinner a heap of dull and ugly people. She had spent a day on the yacht of a Russian Grand-Duke.

Je l'avais prevu; et j'avais ordonne de faire en tout genre les provisions necessaires pour pouvoir les secourir promptement; c'est ce qui a ete execute. On a fait la division des terres; et on a assigne a chaque famille une portion suffisante pour pouvoir servir a son entretien, soit en la cultivant, soit en y nourissant des bestiaux.

Je croyais que vous me traitiez tout a fait en ami, car c'etait en ami que j'avais accepte de vous offrir quelques indications sur les Precieuses...et voila que vous m'envoyez un enorme cadeau...imprudence d'abord parce que j'ai tous les beaux Moliere qui existent et ensuite parce qu'il ne fallait pas envoyer ombre de quoi que ce soit a votre ami Coq.

Le sort, plein d'injustice M'ayant enfin rendu Ce reste un pur supplice, Je serais plus heureux si j'avais tout perdu!" A sudden swoop of the wind shook the very rafters of the house as though some great bird had grasped it with beak and talons, and Priscilla stopped her swift needle, drawing it out to its full length of linen thread and holding it there.

It growled once or twice, and we all had a feeling of relief when it was taken away. I asked the Marechale afterward if she were afraid. "Oui, j'avais tres peur, mais je ne voulais pas le montrer devant ces allemands." It grew wilder as it grew older, and became quite unmanageable they couldn't keep it in the embassy. Hohenlohe was always pleasant and easy.