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Schicken sie mir doch ihrem spiegel, der nächts ihrem fenster hängt auf ein paar stunden der meinige ist gebrochen, haben sie zugleich die Güte haben wolten mir noch heute einen solchen zu kaufen so erzeigten sie mir einen grossen Gefallen. Ihre Auslage sollen sie sogleich zurük erhalten. Verzeien sie lieber Z meiner zudringlichkeit. Ich hoffe sie bald zu sehen. Ihr, BTHVN.

Brightening to greater brilliancy as he turns to me: "Will you buy de last number of my paper? She is in my pocket. She is ver' interesting. Oh! ver' so. Moche information for two pence." "I shall be charmed," I said, and extended twenty centimes across the table. "Ach Tausend! Dass ist herrlich!" and he drew off the last drops of Pomino. "Now I will tell you vun ding. Hev you been in Provence?"

That any material must be material might have been taken for an axiom; but our idealists, in their eagerness to show that Gefuehl ist Alles, have thought to do honour to feeling by forgetting that it is an expression and wishing to make it a stuff. There is a further circumstance showing that mind-stuff is but a bashful name for matter.

But how fine and beautiful you have grown; even to my fraction of an eye, which sees the sunlight as through black gauze. Fancy little Lucy has a husband; a husband and the poodle still takes three baths a day. Are you happy, darling? are you happy?" She nodded. It seemed a sacrilege to claim happiness. "Das ist schön! Yes, you were always so merry. God be thanked!

"You find him striving, journeying, pressing on, reaching out to lay hold, but never having attained, ever conscious of failure." "That is true; but there is this huge difference, that St. Paul expects to attain, is confident of one day attaining; while Schiller, in that lyric at least, seems I only say seems hopeless of any satisfaction: Das Dort ist niemals Hier."

Operative Number Eighty-one will come for me in a two-seater just at dark. But he will not be the one to take me back." "Ach! Himmel!" "Das ist ziemlich gescheit!" Count von Herzmann shrugged his shoulders at the exclamatory surprise and compliment. "Clever? No. Merely an old custom borrowed from old wars.

'I would give it thee without any threat, friend, said the yellow-haired man meekly, and handed me over his little sack of straw. He then leaned himself back as comfortably as he could against the cart, and began repeating, 'Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott, by which I concluded that I had got into the company of a parson.

It was you who taught me where lies modern chivalry, and made my folly and conceit cease to despise the practical; showed me may I quote German to you once more? that "Das Leben ist keine Lustfahrt sondern theils eine kampfes, theils eine Pilger-weise." I took up my staff, at first, I own, in hopes of winning you 'You did not persevere merely for that reason?

The hymn happened to be Luther's "Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott"; it was sung in English, but the Reverend Gottlieb Schultz, the missionary, forgetting the English words, drifted into the original German at the second verse, rather to the detriment of the performance. Miss Blake sang out her clear, simple soprano tones, very rich in the low notes.

"A letter for me! and from vare?" "Amsterdam." "Shee! silence," said the Jew, leading the way into a small room, and shutting the door. Vanslyperken delivered the letter, which the Jew did not open, but laid on the table. "It vas from my worthy friend in Billen Shaaten. He ist veil?" "Quite well," replied Vanslyperken. "Ven do you sail again, mynheer?" "To-morrow morning." "Dat is good.