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From without came the sound of running feet and a series of yells. "Labe! Labe!" shrieked Issy. "Oh, my crimus! . . . Labe!" He burst into the office, his eyes and mouth wide open and his hands waving wildly. "Labe! Labe!" he shouted again. "Have you heard it? Have you? It's true, too. He's alive! He's alive! He's alive!" Laban sprang from his stool. "Shut up, Is!" he commanded. "Shut up! Hold on!

When Captain Zelotes did return to the office, Issachar was industriously sweeping out, Albert was hard at work at the books, and Laban was still rubbing his chin and smiling at nothing in particular. The next day Albert and Issachar made it up. Albert apologized. "I'm sorry, Issy," he said. "I shouldn't have done it, but you made me mad. I have a rather mean temper, I'm afraid.

Monsieur de Cambrai, stunned but not overpowered by the reverse he had sustained, and by his loss of favour with Madame de Maintenon, stood firm in his stirrups. After Madame Guyon's abuse of her liberty, and the conferences of Issy, he bethought himself of confessing to M. de Meaux, by which celebrated trick he hoped to close that prelate's mouth.

"What's the matter, Is?" inquired the grinning blacksmith. Most people grinned when they spoke to Issy. "Gittin' too hot outside there, was it? Why don't you tomahawk 'em and have 'em for supper?" "Humph!" grunted the offended quahauger. "Don't git gay now, Jake Larkin. You hurry up with that rake." "Oh, all right, Is. Don't sculp ME; I ain't done nothin'. What's the news over to East Harniss?"

Receiving little satisfaction there, he hurried to the home of his employer, Mr. Williams. The magnate, red-faced and angry, returned with him to the station. Captain Sol received them blandly. Issy, who heard the interview which followed, declared that the depot master was so cool that "an iceberg was a bonfire 'longside of him."

When Issy bowed blushingly outside the window of the telegraph room, he received only the airiest of frigid nods. Was there what Lord Lyndhurst would have called "another"? It would seem not. Old Mr. Higgins, her father, encouraged no bows nor attentions from young men, and Gertie herself did not appear to desire them.

I came by way of Issy, dragged along by an aged Rosinante, so weak from low living that I was obliged to get out and walk the greater part of the way, as he positively declined to draw me and the chaise.

"I I TOLD her I'd rake it myself soon's I got time," he sputtered. "Um. Well, I s'pose she realized your time was precious. Evenin', Sim, glad to see you." He held out his hand and Phinney grasped it. "Issy," said Captain Sol, "you'd better get busy with the broom, hadn't you. It's standin' over in that corner and I wouldn't wonder if it needed exercise.

On the left, Issy, Vanvres, Vaugirarde, Montrouge, Gentilly, with its round tower and its square tower, etc.; on the right, twenty others, from Conflans to Ville-l'Eveque. On the horizon, a border of hills arranged in a circle like the rim of the basin.

Their convent was in the suburbs of Paris; it had been turned by them into a hospital during the siege, and it continued to be so used during the Commune. After the fall of Fort Issy, the insurgent troops made their headquarters not far from the convent. They were commanded by a general of some ability, but of ferocious character, named Serizier.