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"Oh!" gasped Dorothy as the magnificent silver throne room was flooded with light, "Where are we?" The Scarecrow had picked himself up, and with outstretched arms came running toward her talking a perfect Niagara of Silver Islandish. "Have you forgotten your Ozish so soon?" rumbled the Cowardly Lion reproachfully as Dorothy flung her arms around the Scarecrow.

"You'll need all the head you've got," said Ham. "You wont have much time to get ready." Kinzer. "I'll risk Dabney." "And they'll make him give up all his slang," added Samantha. "Yes, Sam, when I come back I'll talk nothing but Greek and Latin. I'm getting French now from Ford, and Hindoo from Frank Harley. Then I know English and slang and Long Islandish.

But what says yon honest henchman?" Happy Toko, although he understood no word of the conversation, had been watching the discussion with great interest. He had been trying to attract the Scarecrow's attention for some time, but the Knight was the only one who had noticed him. "What is it, Tappy?" asked the Scarecrow, dropping easily back into Silver Islandish.