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The justly popular owner of this most celebrated pack, though riding good fourteen stones, led the Walters on his famous chestnut horse Tappy Lappey. After this truly brilliant affair, Mr.

One by one the lights winked out in the gardens, and the noisy company dispersed, and soon no one in the palace was awake but the Scarecrow. His straw was wet and soggy, and even his excellent brains felt damp and dull. "If it weren't for Tappy Oko, how lonely I should be." He stared through the long, dim, empty hall with its shimmering silver screens and vases.

"They're all here, but I wonder where here is." She jumped up, but at a shuffle of feet drew back. "Pigs! Weasels!" shrilled an angry voice, and a fat little man hurled himself at Sir Hokus, who happened to have fallen in the lead. "Uds trudgeons and bludgeons and maugre thy head!" roared the Knight, shaking him off like a fly. "Tappy, Tappy, my dear boy. Caution! What's all this?"

James Tappy, who departed this life on the 8th of September, 1818, aged 84, after a faithful service of 60 years in one family; by each individual of which he lived respected, and died lamented by the sole survivor." Few monuments, even of the illustrious, have given me the glow about the heart that I felt while copying this honest epitaph in the church-yard of Eltham.

"And now, Chew, you will take my place, please. I am going for a walk with Tappy Oko." The Grand Chew Chew's mouth fell open with surprise, but seeing the Scarecrow's determined expression, he dared not disobey, and he immediately began making strange marks on a long, red parchment.

The noise that was heard so surprised ev'ry bird, that the flock flew away in a fright, But the Scarecrow looked pleased, and he said "If I'd sneezed It wouldn't have been so polite." "Ho!" roared the Scarecrow, "You're almost as good at making verses as Scraps, Write that down for me, Tappy. I'd like to show it to her." "Hush!" whispered Happy, holding up his finger warningly.

"This is delightful. You agree with me, I see. Now then, three cheers for Tappy Oko, Imperial Emperor of the Silver Island." Having arranged affairs so satisfactorily, the Scarecrow embraced Happy Toko with deep emotion. Dorothy and Sir Hokus shook hands with him and wished him every success and happiness.

"Old and glorious?" gasped the Scarecrow, nearly falling from his throne. "Tappy! I forgot to lock up the wizards. Great Cornstarch! Tomorrow I will be eighty-five years old." Such cheers greeted the Grand Chew Chew's announcement that no one even noticed the Scarecrow's distress. "I, also, have an announcement!" cried the eldest Prince, standing up proudly.

"Then, goodbye to Silver Island!" choked Happy Toko, dropping the watering can with a crash. "Never mind," said the Scarecrow kindly. "If they shoot me and I catch fire, I'll jump in the water and you must fish me out, Tappy. Now please don't talk any more. I must think!" Poor Happy Toko had nothing else to say, for he considered his day finished.

"But I thought Tappy Oko and I saved the Island," chuckled the Scarecrow, nudging the Imperial Punster. "Had the Imperial Army not retired and left the field to you, there would have been no victory," faltered the General in a timid voice. "Therefore, in a way we are responsible for the victory. A great general always knows when to retire."