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Harrison Smith leapt to his feet and paced up and down. "I knew I was right," he said, "but what the deuce does it mean? Anything else to tell me?" "Yes. Sit down, for Heaven's sake. My head's aching and you irritate me walking about." He obeyed and continued his interrogation. "In love with him once, weren't you?" "Once," she replied. "And you've no very good reason for wishing him well?"

These observations will probably irritate you, but I shall run the risk. "Am I wrong or, were you hasty in what you said? If you have time, I should be glad to hear further on this subject; if not, or if you think the questions frivolous, do not trouble yourself to reply. I am, yours respectfully, To G. H. LEWES, ESQ. "Jan. 18th, 1848.

Inflicting light punishments is like firing blank cartridges at a mob, they only irritate, without subduing; and as the latter course usually ends in unnecessary bloodshed, the former invariably increases the amount of crime.

"Frank," he said, smiling, "it's a pity you are an ass, for you have the makings of a man. I think I must be fey to-day; you cannot irritate me even when you try. Do you know," he continued softly, "I think we are the two most miserable men in England, you and I? we have got on to thirty without wife or child, or so much as a shop to look after poor, pitiful, lost devils, both!

And I must say more than that I don't see how you yourself could be sure of recognizing her, if she stood before you at this moment." He spoke very gently, fearing to irritate her. She showed no sign of irritation she looked at him, and listened to him, attentively. "Are you setting a trap for me?" she asked.

"Won't you join me?" Her tone assured him that he would not be intruding. He got a hat and overcoat and they walked up and down together. "Those stars irritate me," he said after a while. "They make me appreciate that this world's a tiny grain of sand adrift in infinity, and that I'm there's nothing little enough to express the human atom where the earth's only a grain.

And as, since her misfortunes, her rule has been never to make an enemy, since these easily crop up along one's path, she is careful never to utter anything which could irritate the feelings or wound the pride of the most sensitive. Her descriptions are so varied, so vivacious, that they fascinate a whole crowd.

With all her force, but secretly, she was trying to destroy in him the spiritual aspiration which was essential in his nature, through which she had won him as her husband, but which now could only irritate and confuse her, and stand in the way of her desires, keeping the path against them. "Yes," he said, drawing in his breath. "We are here to-night by the Nile, and we hear the boatmen singing."

Not only will those causes of dissatisfaction be urged which really operate on the minds of intelligent men, but every instrument will be seized which can effect the purpose, and the passions will be inflamed by whatever may serve to irritate them.

In her father she saw only increasing humiliation; in her mother, one for whom she had but little affection and less respect, and who would of necessity irritate the wounds that time might slowly heal, could she live in an atmosphere of delicate, unspoken sympathy; in herself, one whom she now believed to be so ignorant and faulty that the man she loved had turned away in disgust on finding her out.