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For me, called Richard of Gloucester, I ask nothing but leave to spend my manhood where I have spent my youth, under the eyes of my renowned godfather, Richard Nevile, Earl of Warwick. So report of us. Whither leads yon road?" "To York," said the franklin, softened, despite his judgment, by the irresistible suavity of the voice that addressed him.

And if, by his almighty and irresistible power, he should cause it to exist, the will would still be free in Leibnitz’s sense of the word; since its contrary might have happened. Hence, according to this definition of liberty, if God should, in all cases, determine the will to good, it would nevertheless be free; since the contrary determination might have been produced by his power.

Forward every day the work-trains crept westward, closer and closer to that great hour when they would meet the work-trains coming east. The momentum now of the road-laying was tremendous. The spirit that nothing could stop had become embodied in a scientific army of toilers, a mass, a machine, ponderous, irresistible, moving on to the meeting of the rails.

Only the light was not steady; it was whirling. She ran across the floor as though dancing the dancing of a child propelled, it seemed, by an irresistible drive of force behind; while with her through the opened door came a roaring volume of sound that was terrible as Niagara let loose, yet at the same time exquisitely sweet, as birds or children singing.

These lectures stung the Irish to the quick, and gave much embarrassment to Froude's American friends. The Irish found a powerful champion in Father Burke, the Dominican friar, who had been a popular preacher at Rome, and with an audience of his own Catholic countrymen was irresistible. Burke was not a well informed man, and his knowledge of history was derived from Catholic handbooks.

When shall I come again, and tell you how the Archbishop likes the story of the nun's mother?" He held out his hand with irresistible cordiality. Romayne took it gratefully still bent, however, on making atonement. "Let me first do myself the honor of calling on You," he said. "I am in no state to open my mind as I might have wished to open it to you after what has happened. In a day or two more "

Through the silence following the furniture man's departure, Betty, at the typewriter, clicked upon Georgie's ears. An evil impulse assailed him impolitic, too, as he realized impolitic but irresistible.

Go where she might, Hannah was sure to encounter Edward Forester; and this devotion from one whose personal attractions extorted as much admiration from the lasses, her companions, as she herself had been used to excite amongst the country lads, had in it, in spite of its ostentatious openness, a flattery that seemed irresistible.

He was a powerful swimmer, and despair lent him energy to buffet the waves for a short time; but he was again swept away by the irresistible tide, and had almost given up hope of being saved, when his forehead was grazed by a rope which hung from a vessel's side. Seizing this, he held on, and with much difficulty succeeded in gaining the vessel's deck.

Père Étienne had been weeping, and his heart was softened and emboldened by the anxiety he felt. "It is my native village where I lived till I went to make my studies in the Laval University. It is going home for me. Perhaps they will let me remain there." He added, by an irresistible impulse of pity and love, "I wish you were going home, too, Mr. Warwick!"