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But all this time the lean preacher from the mountains was sending forth his angry anathemas, and still holding the strained attention of the people. It was weird enough sight, that time-honoured service of adoration, forced upon these wild people after so long a period of irreligion.

Irreligion, accidentally associated with philanthropy, triumphed for a time over religion accidentally associated with political and social abuses. Everything gave way to the zeal and activity of the new reformers. In France, every man distinguished in letters was found in their ranks.

These are the guilty ones. It has been said that there is more superstition that is belief and dabbling in these inane practices to-day in one of our large cities than the Dark Ages ever was afflicted with. If true, it is one sign of the world's spiritual unrest, the decay of unbelief; and irreligion thus assists at its own disintegration.

To that celibacy, and to all the evils that have sprang from it, may be ascribed much of the irreligion current in France to-day. The periodical reports on criminality issued by the French Ministers of Justice since the foundation of the Republic in 1871, supply materials for a most formidable indictment of that vow of perpetual chastity which Rome exacts from her clergy.

A world that has lost its bearings, in which the bright flame of religion is fast dying out, in which the forces of a blatant nationalism and racialism have usurped the rights and prerogatives of God Himself, in which a flagrant secularismthe direct offspring of irreligionhas raised its triumphant head and is protruding its ugly features, in which themajesty of kingshiphas been disgraced, and they who wore its emblems have, for the most part, been hurled from their thrones, in which the once all-powerful ecclesiastical hierarchies of Islám, and to a lesser extent those of Christianity, have been discredited, and in which the virus of prejudice and corruption is eating into the vitals of an already gravely disordered society.

Smith, as irreligion so often, unhappily, lurks in the sciences." "Indeed I have no opinion of science," the curate said with authoritative disapproval. "Science is too often a thief. Art is a prodigal benefactor. She provides for us an almshouse in which we can take refuge when we are old and weary. And in music especially in good music all doctrine is crystallised.

The comparison, however, between the sins that have been alleged against both Molière and Mr. Shaw sins of style, of form, of morals, of disrespect, of irreligion, of anti-romanticism, of farce, and so forth is a suggestive contribution to criticism.

And in a lower voice, with infinite affection, he went on: "You see, it's our poor mother and our poor father continuing their painful struggle in you. You were too young at the time, you couldn't know what went on. But I knew them both very wretched: he, wretched through her, who treated him as if he were one of the damned; and she, suffering through him, tortured by his irreligion.

This tale of Boccaccio's gives so admirable an answer to the charge of irreligion which some might make against us if they mistook our intentions, that as we shall not offer any other reply, we have not hesitated to present it entire as it stands to the eyes of our readers.

Only within the scaffolding of these truths, only on the firm foundation of unyielding despair, can the soul's habitation henceforth be safely built." Such is the outlook on human life of a frank and thoroughgoing irreligion, and there is nothing exhilarating about it.