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For the rest, it suits well enough with a great many books of this age, which speak too much, and yet say little; "Ipsi nobis furto subducimur"; "We are stolen away from ourselves," setting a high price on all that is our own.

Both doth it follow, that the positions of heathen philosophers are undoubted grounds and principles indeed, because so called? Or that ipsi dixerunt, doth make them to be such? Certainly no.

Ipsi jamdiu ex oriente adductum dicunt, ex quo maxime probabile videtur, eum, origine prima ex Europa, inde de gente in gentem per totam poene continentem esse illatam. Neque dubium eum in gentibus iis quibus non immiscentur Europaei, neque frequentem esse, nec acrem, eorum autem per immistionem terribilem in modum augescere.

Dantes, et concedentes eidem Hieronimo Bowes Militi oratori nostro tenore praesentium, authoritatem, et mandatum, tam generale, quam speciate, ita quod specialitas non deroget generalitati, nec e contra generalitas specialitati, nomine nostro, et pro nobis, cum praefato serenissimo principe, eiusque consiliarijs, et deputatis quibuscunque de praefatis negotijs et eorum singulis, tractandi, conferendi, concludendi appunctuandique, prout praefato Oratori nostro aequum, et ex honore nostro videbitur: Nec non de, et super huiusmodi tractatis, conclusis, appunctuatisque, caeterisque omnibus et singulis, praemissa quouismodo concernentibus, literas, et instrumenta valida et efficacia, nomine nostro, et pro nobis tradendi, literasque et instrumenta consimilis vigoris et effectus, ex altera parte petendi, et confici, et sigillari debite procurandi, et recipiendi, et generaliter omnia, et singula praemissa qualitercunque concernentia, faciendi, exercendi, et expediendi, in, et eodem modo, sicut nos ipsi faceremus, et facere possemus, si essemus praesentes, etiamsi talia sint, quae de se mandatum exigant magis speciale; promittentes bona fide, et in verbo Regio, omnia et singula, quae per praedictum Ambassiatorem, et oratorem nostrum appunctuata, promissa. conuenta, concordata, et conclusa fuerint in hac parte, nos rata et grata, et firma habituras et obseruaturas, et superinde literas nostras patentes confirmatorias, et approbatortias in forma valida, et autentica, prout opus fuerit, daturas.

Interdum complicatis genubus supplices; interdum obverso incedentes tergo et modo retrogrado, in oppositum directo illi reverentiae quam nos praestare solemus. Quo facto, sacrificia daemoni faciunt multis modis. Saepe liberos suos ipsi offerunt.

This was done at his return from the little paltry town, even then when Master Antitus of Cressplots was licentiated, and had passed his degrees in all dullery and blockishness, according to this sentence of the canonists, Beati Dunces, quoniam ipsi stumblaverunt. But that which makes Lent to be so high, by St.

This has now been for some time absolutely disregarded. No. 117. Saturday, July 14, 1711. Addison. ... Ipsi sibi somnia fingunt. Virg. There are some Opinions in which a Man should stand Neuter, without engaging his Assent to one side or the other.

A genealogy is no trifle in Germany; and they would rather prove their two-and-thirty quarters, than two-and-thirty cardinal virtues, if there were so many. They are not of Ulysses' opinion, who says very truly, Genus et proavos, et qua non fecimus ipsi; Vix ea nostra voco. Good night. LONDON, November 24, O. S. 1747

A genealogy is no trifle in Germany; and they would rather prove their two-and-thirty quarters, than two-and-thirty cardinal virtues, if there were so many. They are not of Ulysses' opinion, who says very truly, Genus et proavos, et qua non fecimus ipsi; Vix ea nostra voco. Good night. LONDON, November 24, O. S. 1747

But the worst on't is, their scholars and pupils are no better nourished by this kind of inspiration; and it makes no deeper impression upon them, but passes from hand to hand, only to make a show to be tolerable company, and to tell pretty stories, like a counterfeit coin in counters, of no other use or value, but to reckon with, or to set up at cards: "Apud alios loqui didicerunt non ipsi secum."