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The third scene opens in Elvira's apartments, and is introduced with one of the most beautiful of Verdi's arias, "Ernani, involami," with which all concert-goers have become acquainted by its frequent repetition. This is followed in turn by a trio between the two and Ernani.

And above this, superior to, yet nobly supported by it, Morabita's voice rose in the suave and passionate phrases of the glorious cavatina "Ernani, Ernani, involami, all aborito ampleso." Yes, her voice was as good as ever! Richard drew a long breath of relief. Here, at least, was something true to itself, and amid so much of change, so much of spoiling, still unspoilt!

After all, as some one said of the Scotch, you can do a good deal with a German if you catch him young. Mr. Arnswald does not appear to have been caught in time." She threw the paper from her and seated herself at the piano. For a moment her fingers strayed over the keys, and then, in answer to some evoking chord, she attacked the Ernani involami, than which few melodies are richer in appeal.

"Ernani, Ernani, involami" still the air was vibrant with that glorious voice. But the love of which it was the exponent, the flight which it counseled, had ceased, to Richard's hearing, to bear relation to that which is earthly, concrete, and of the senses.

But the valet remained, impassive in manner, actively anxious at heart. "Have you any orders for the carriage, sir?" he asked. "Garçia drove me down. I told him to wait until I had inquired." Richard was long in replying. His brain was all confused and clouded again, while again he heard the voice of the famous soprano "Ernani, Ernani, involami." "Yes," he said at last.

For again, somehow, notwithstanding the babel without, that exquisite invitation "Ernani, Ernani, involami," assailed his ears. The valet waited a little, quiet and deferential in bearing, yet observing his master with a certain keenness and anxiety. "I saw Mr. Bates, as you desired, sir," he said at last. Richard looked up at him vaguely.