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The following were the toils of his life. He was obliged to choose, among five or six daily invitations, the house where he could be sure of the best dinner. Every morning he went to his minister's morning reception to amuse that official and his wife, and to pet their children.

Michael had enough of that sort of thing in real life, and felt he could not stand the strain of modern fiction, so turned back to his Wordsworth again and found soothing and mental stimulus. But there followed other invitations, some of which he accepted and some of which he declined.

Or if declined: "Mrs. Hunt regrets that a prior engagement will prevent her own and Miss Hunt's acceptance of Mr. G -'s polite invitation for Wednesday evening." For a general reception, invitations are printed upon cards, thus: "Wednesday Evening, January 14th, No. 348 STREET." Such cards do not require any answer.

Finally Trèves was appointed for the important occasion, and Frederic sent official invitations to the princes of the empire to follow him thither in October. Before Charles arrived at the rendezvous, another event had occurred that had an important bearing on his fortunes.

In the morning, first thing, we 'll have to write notes recalling the invitations for to-morrow evening, and have them delivered by messenger boys. We were fools for not finding out all about this man from some one who knew, before we invited him here. Sadler don't know more than half he thinks he does, anyway.

She was surrounded by a court of young people, men and women; she received without effort all the most coveted invitations; she was watched, copied, talked about; and rumor declared that she had already refused or made her mother refuse for her one or more of the men whom all other mothers desired to capture.

"The thrill of sundry invitations to breakfast" still survived on his palate more than forty years afterwards. Not that these meals were recalled as gorges of the stomach: they were merely gorges of sensation, gorges of the sense of the past. The breakfasts associated him "at a jump" with the ghosts of Byron and Sheridan and Rogers.

"I haven't had much experience in that line, but I imagine it is the best kind," nodded Mr. Farnum. All hands set to, to devise a list of newspapers to which invitations should be sent. The stenographer was soon intensely busy with this work. Down at the new Melville yard affairs went on with a rush.

She seldom visits at a greater distance than the next door but one on either side; and when she drinks tea here, Sarah runs out first and knocks a double-knock, to prevent the possibility of her ‘Missis’s’ catching cold by having to wait at the door. She is very scrupulous in returning these little invitations, and when she asks Mr. and Mrs. So-and-so, to meet Mr. and Mrs.

And, therefore, it came that Furnace Second was reduced to zero in Professor Surd's estimation. He looked upon me with all the horror which an unalgebraic nature could inspire. I have seen the Professor walk around an entire square rather than meet the man who had no mathematics in his soul. For Furnace Second were no invitations to Professor Surd's house.