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They accomplished as much in education as they did in all the other arts, their universities had more students than any that have existed down to our own time, and they were enthusiastic students and their professors were ardent teachers, writers, observers, investigators. While we have been accustomed to think of them as neglecting science, their minds were occupied entirely with science.

Although the investigators seemed to accept his statements at their face value, the assistant general manager was far from being assured that their final report would redound to his credit. On a Thursday they informed him that they had completed their investigation, and the report would be submitted to Mr. Compton on Saturday.

The extraordinary importance attached by Michelangelo in old age to the passions of his youth is almost sufficient to justify those psychological investigators who regard him as the subject of a nervous disorder. It does not seem to be accounted for by anything known to us regarding his stern and solitary life, his aloofness from the vulgar, and his self-dedication to study.

That, however, only pushes the mystery one step further back: how did it come to be on that distant planet? The origin of religion has furnished a similar puzzle to these investigators. There are those among them who assume that religion is an invention of crafty men who find it a means of obtaining ascendency over their fellows.

Here is their report as they gave it to Air Force UFO investigators: "At approximately 0230, 3 November 1957, Source, together with PFC , were on a routine patrol of the up range area of the White Sands Proving Ground when Source noticed a 'very bright' object high in the sky.

A rich reward is in store for those spiritual investigators who will follow out the paths and lines herein mapped out on Spiritual Astrology, Alchemy, and other subjects.

At the present time in England only a very few writers or investigators hold high positions by anything approaching the unanimous verdict of the intelligent public of that section of the public that counts. In the department of fiction, for example, there is a very audible little minority against Mr. Kipling, and about Mr. George Moore or Mr. Zangwill or Mr.

Surely some millionaire could give up one monkey dinner and endow the old lady?" "Burke, you're young in the ways of charity. That old woman is an endowment herself. She ought to bring enough royalties for the Purity League to buy three new mahogany desks, hire five new investigators and four extra stenographers."

There are two aspects of this question. There is the simpler one of getting an abundance of good books, classical and contemporary, and of good publications distributed everywhere through the English-speaking world, and there is the more subtle and complex problem of getting, stimulating, and sustaining the original writers and the original critics and investigators upon whom the general development of contemporary thought, upon whom indeed the progress of the world finally depends.

Clancy, with the candle, pushed into the lead, and entered the next apartment. Hill was watching Burton as keenly as a cat watches a mouse. At the first sign of a treacherous move, or the springing a trap, Hill would have been at Burton in a flash. Nothing occurred, however, to alarm the investigators. Something was discovered, on the other hand, which certainly, astounded them.