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And invariably when the young men took their leave at the end of a walk there would be long and close whisperings in which were always to be heard the words, "Well, say you were " or "Look here, we'll say we were " and generally, "Go away, Rosalie. There's nothing for you to listen to." It all had the effect of making Rosalie feel unhappy and rather frightened.

Nothing ever tired that couple, but my father had stipulated for exchanges with Griffith. On these occasions it almost invariably happened that there was a fine view for Ellen to see, so that she was exalted to the box with Griffith to show it to her, and Chancery was consigned to Clarence.

This is substantially the same thing as trismus, except that it extends to other parts, and often to nearly all the muscles of the organism. Under ordinary treatment, it is almost invariably fatal. I am not aware that it has been sufficiently submitted to our electrical system to determine satisfactorily the question of its amenability to it.

It would have gone harder, but for one whom John now began to call his "friend;" at least, one who invariably called Mr. Halifax so our neighbour, Sir Ralph Oldtower. "How often has Lady Oldtower been here, Ursula?" "She called first, you remember, after our trouble with the children; she has been twice since, I think. To-day she wanted me to bring Muriel and take luncheon at the Manor House.

But the great masters of the human heart invariably remain true to nature: not merely true to a selected feature, but to the natural form as a whole. Falstaff, in his wildest humour, speaks and acts as such a man really might speak and act. He has no catch-phrase on which he harps, as if he were a talking-machine wound up to emit a dozen sounds.

Their very object in leaving their native countries is to settle in life, a phrase that needs no explanation; and they do so. No equal number of human beings, therefore, have ever given so large or rapid an increase to a community as 'settlers' have invariably done."

Although he had lived so many years in Italy it was invariably of a decent clerical hue, but it never was hyperclerical. He was a man not given to much talking, but what little he did say was generally well said. His reading seldom went beyond romances and poetry of the lightest and not always most moral description.

He invariably carried his hat as though it were a rifle he were shouldering. He bowed ceremoniously and closed the door behind him. "Mr. ah Kitson?" he said, and advanced a big hand. "I received your note and am, as you will observe, punctual. I may say that my favourite motto is 'Punctuality is the politeness of princes." "You know Mr. Beale?" Mr. White bowed stiffly. "I have ah met Mr. Beale."

They're as bad as tailors, who invariably remember what you owe them for a suit long after you've ceased to wear it." "I'll order lunch for one o'clock; that will give you two and a half hours to dress in." Reginald puckered his brow into a tortured frown, and I knew that my point was gained. He was debating what tie would go with which waistcoat. Even then I had my misgivings.

I do not mean that it might not possibly be shown that some other phenomenon, some chemical or mechanical action, for example, invariably precedes, and is the cause of, every phenomenon of color.