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However, this does not hold true in all sections. In the middle west, this disease is more common in late fall and winter. It is commonly caused by taking into the body with the feed and water certain organisms and toxins that are capable of producing an inflammation of the brain. The infectious organism or toxins are taken up by the absorbing vessels of the intestines.

A large number of cases are on record in which plates with artificial teeth, knives, forks, coins, and other such bodies have been swallowed; and the surgeon is often doubtful, especially if they are small, whether they have remained in the stomach, or have passed into the intestines, or entirely escaped from the body.

A top layer of stones was placed on the flames and when it had grown red-hot, the pig was pulled and hauled over it until the bristles were removed. The carcass was then carried to the river, the intestines removed, and inside and outside thoroughly washed in a place where the current was strong.

When any one drinks a moderate quantity of vinous spirit, the whole system acts with more energy by consent with the stomach and intestines, as is seen from the glow on the skin, and the increase of strength and activity; but when a greater quantity of this inebriating material is drank, at the same time that the lacteals are excited into greater action to absorb it; it frequently happens, that the urinary branch of absorbents, which is connected with the lacteals by many anastomoses, inverts its motions, and a great quantity of pale unanimalized urine is discharged.

Gilbert's surgical chapters discuss the general treatment of wounds and their complications, and more specifically that of wounds of the head, neck, throat, wounds of nerves, of the oesophagus, scapula, clavicle, of the arm, the stomach, intestines and the spleen; fractures of the clavicle, arm, forearm and ribs; compound fractures; dislocations of the atlas, jaw, shoulder and elbows; fistulae in various localities, and the operations on the tonsils and uvula, on goitre, hernia and stone in the bladder, etc. certainly a surgical compendium of no despicable comprehensiveness for a physician of his age and country.

Is simply Nature's method of getting rid of undigested substances in the alimentary tract. After a time the irritation excites the glands to abnormal action to wash out the offending substances, resulting from excessive fermentation. If not relieved, ulceration sets in, and worms breed in the intestines then we have what is known as chronic diarrhoea. The treatment in both varieties is the same.

From the intestines they make masks for their faces, to protect them from the glare of the sun; and they also use the latter stretched over their windows as a substitute for glass. The flesh and fat are among the most esteemed dainties of a Kamtschatkan cuisine. Even the shoulder-blades are used as sickles for cutting grass.

Dyspnoea, depression, cold extremities, headache, purple line round the gums. Jaundice is common. A chronic form of poisoning may occur, with symptoms closely resembling those of lead. Post-Mortem Appearances. Inflammation of stomach and intestines, which are bluish or green in colour. Treatment. Encourage vomiting. Give albumin or very dilute solution of ferrocyanide of potassium.

Sometimes when the stomach is sick, too much work is put off on the intestines and then they become sick and give much pain. To mix these juices with the food the intestine is being swung gently back and forth and the walls squeezed together by muscles forming its outer coat. As soon as the intestine has finished its work the food begins to enter the blood.

A broad knife is passed through the pectoral muscles, and a horse-hair rope inserted, by which they must swing from a post till the flesh is torn through. Indians will never scalp a negro; it is "bad medicine." The tit-bits of a butchered carcass are, to the Indians, the intestines, a speciality being the liver with the contents of the gall bladder sprinkled over it!