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Every day I would visit the nest and take the sparrow out from under the pot-bellied interloper and place it on top so that presently it was able to hold its own against its enemy. Both birds became fledged and left the nest about the same time. Whether the race was an even one after that, I know not.

She made a gesture of protest. "Sorrow, I should say. Yet you benefited greatly." "On the contrary, not at all. Another life still intervenes." "Another! and you knew nothing of it! Impossible!" "It is too true. I am as far as ever from the accomplishment of my hopes." "Who is this unknown interloper?" "An English officer, at present serving in the Crimea. His name is McKay: Stanislas McKay."

At first they tried to despise this interloper; at length they found him at least as strong as themselves, and began to fancy that be might be stronger. A few experiments soon taught them that there was no weakness there. On one occasion the Rothschilds, true to their ordinary selfish policy, made a desperate attempt to crush the new house which dared to enter into rivalry with them.

But her income was not all that could be desired, so she had adroitly discovered in her only son a touch of intellectual genius, and the young man quite dutifully had become a maker of picture plots, hoping by this distinction to win as a wife one of the daughters of some wealthy intellectual interloper.

Every one knew what he thought of the theatrical profession, and yet who could say he didn't regard, its members as embodiments of comedy when he touched with such a hand the spring of their foibles? touched it with an art that made even Peter laugh, notwithstanding his attitude of reserve where this interloper was concerned.

The interloper boxes could make a row down the cleared side. That left the centre, the highest part, clear for drying clothes, which probably would not be needed until winter. But careful Elizabeth planned ahead for every emergency. True, the emergency did not always fit the plans, but it gave her tense spirit a rest.

Indeed, if the interloper had been someone else, some other man, at least, he would have experienced a turn of disappointment but that the individual should be this tricky, coddled, egotistical Charlie Menocal! Well, he should align the girls' irrigating ditch and then go about his business.

Dolly went on to the schoolroom, her heart full of resentment at this "smart" interloper. It was a little bit a feeling of jealousy, for Dolly Fayre was head and front of everything that went on at the Berwick Grammar School, and it jarred a little to think of having a wonder-girl come in with a lot of new ideas and plans and mix everything all up at the last minute.

"Not much," he confessed. "Can't find it nowhere. This guy must be a missionary." The new-comer opened the door and entered. He was a medium-sized, plump young man. "Oh, I say!" he protested. "Is it as bad as that?" Bill nodded vaguely, meanwhile carefully measuring the physical proportions of the interloper.

"T' who?" I demanded, frowning. "All the world," said she. "Very well," said I, much relieved to find that the interloper was no more to be dreaded. "I'll not mind that. 'Tis as you like. You'll help whomso you please an' as many. For I'm t' be rich. Rich look you! I'll have seven schooners t' sail the northern Labrador, as the doctor says. I'll never be content with less.