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A more regular discipline than could have been expected was maintained in the camp of Alaric; and the wise Barbarian justified his regard for the faith of treaties by the just severity with which he chastised a party of licentious Goths who had insulted some Roman citizens on the road to Ostia.

"Paganini Joachim Sarasate any one, it is good enough," was the half-abstracted reply. "It is good enough for you almost, eh?" Ingolby meant his question as a compliment, but an evil look shot into the Romany's face, and the bow twitched in his hand. He was not Paganini or Sarasate, but that was no reason why he should be insulted.

Strap, without any hesitation, obeyed the signal, and seeing me leap upon the master's back, ran immediately to one of his legs, which pulling with all his force, this dreadful adversary was humbled to the ground; upon which Gawky, who had hitherto remained in his place, under the influence of a universal trepidation, hastened to the scene of action, and insulted the fallen tyrant with a loud huzza, in which the whole school joined.

"It requires courage," said the hypocrite. "Of course it does. But you would appear to have plenty." "Hardly enough, perhaps. But I shall do my best." They had come through the vestibule, and although this was lined with eager Blacks waiting for the young man who had insulted them so flagrantly from the rostrum, Andre-Louis' body-guard had prevented any of them from reaching him.

"Never!" I cried passionately; "he has insulted a Denville!" "Terence," she whispered, "Terence for my sake?" The blood rushed to my cheeks, and her eyes sought the ground in bashful confusion. "You love him then?" I cried bitterly. "No, no," she said agitatedly, "no, you do me wrong. I I cannot explain myself.

The king, delighted at seeing her, instantly inquired into her state of health. She, after a profound reverence, said, "Sire, how can I be well when there is trouble in my family?" "Ah, bon Dieu! what is this?" said he, turning to me. "I am insulted, hooted: they say that I have the misfortune to be no longer in the good graces of your majesty."

This was a terrible disappointment to us all; and we laid our heads together how to remedy it; when Miss Jenny observed that Captain Weazel, being by profession a soldier, ought in this case to protect and prevent us from being insulted.

You would have wished me to take his ignorant impertinence about a 'mere musician' without letting him know his place. I am to hear my gods blasphemed as well as myself insulted. But I beg pardon. It is impossible you should see the matter as I do. Even you can't understand the wrath of the artist: he is of another caste for you." "That is true," said Catherine, with some betrayal of feeling.

Merry and his men to pick him up, while I came here to answer for myself!" "Unfortunate girl! And how can you answer for such a dreadful deed?" exclaimed the utterly confounded magistrate. "Oh, as to the dreadfulness of the deed, that depends on circumstances," said Cap, "and I can answer for it very well! He made addresses to me. I refused him. He slandered me. I challenged him. He insulted me.

While this was going on, Lacroix, a deputy of the Mountain, rushed into the house, and to the tribune, and declared that he had been insulted at the door, that he had been refused egress, and that the convention was no longer free. Many of the Mountain expressed their indignation at Henriot and his troops. Danton said it was necessary vigorously to avenge this insult to the national majesty.