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Not a dollar more of our money goes to her as long as we live. She is in an institution where she belongs. Besides, her father was a rascal." They were willing to sell at a price several thousand dollars less than like places in the neighborhood were bringing.

Twelve days later all but two of these men were down with small-pox, and the only possible source of infection was the hospital across the river. W. De W. Abney, R.E., P.B.S., at the Royal Institution, on February 25, 1887. By Capt.

They have entered the institution old; they will leave it young. "The Empress Eugénie delights in visiting the institution of the Faubourg St. Antoine. This is natural. Her Majesty cannot but feel pleasure in the contemplation of all she has accomplished by sacrificing a magnificent, but idle ornament to the welfare of so many beings rescued from misery and ignorance.

In fact, I thought it prudent to be ready for any trouble that the Old World notions of the Neopalians might occasion. But in my heart I meant to be very popular with them; for I cherished the generous design of paying the whole tribute out of my own pocket, and of disestablishing in Neopalia what seems to be the only institution in no danger of such treatment here the tax-gatherer.

He asked what she would do about it, and saw the shadow of terror cross her face again. There was one recourse from starvation, it seemed to have her children taken from her, and put in some institution!

It has done for him all that he had not the strength to do for himself tired him healthily. The remedies I have mentioned are capable of indefinite combinations. The head of an institution like Lord's Island will want them all, although any one given case may not require all of them.

On the contrary, as he esteemed the institution to be of the most sacred kind, he thought every preparatory caution necessary to preserve it holy and inviolate; and very wisely concluded, that the surest way to effect this was by laying the foundation in previous affection.

Of the other aims and objects of the institution I shall speak more at length in a moment. I have just said that the building before us is in effect the monument of the great savant. This is true in a somewhat more literal sense than might be supposed, for the body of Pasteur rests in a crypt at its base.

This is literally true; a slave country, above all, to-day, needs to be backed up by a free country to ensure the subsistence of an institution contrary to nature; otherwise the first accident, the first war, gives it over to perils that make us shudder. Thanks to their metropolises, our colonies were able first to keep, and afterwards to enfranchise their slaves, without succumbing to the task.

Being on the ground and seeing the urgent need of such an institution, he called together his wonderful Special Council for one last session. Between them they organized the municipal system which, in modified form, still functions in Quebec. After the Union the system was extended to Ontario, to the great advantage of that province.