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The smell of the Channel brine inspirited her sufficiently to cast off the fit and make it seem, in the main, a bodily depression; owing to causes, of which she was beginning to have an apprehensive knowledge: and they were not so fearful to her as the gloom they displaced. A ticket of herald newspapers told the world of Victor's returning to his London. Pretty Mrs.

Then we continued on our way with light hearts; having been inspirited, not only by the pleasant company of the last few days, but also by the decision taken by the two Governments, that, come what might, our independence should not be sacrificed by us. I crossed the Vaal River at Villiersdorp and remained there that evening and through the following day. Then President Steyn and I parted.

I shall get back to the doctor and Margaret after all. Mind you write to the captain, Harry!" Hector was quite inspirited and ready to return to the others, but Harry paused to express a hope that he did not let Tom make such a fool of himself as he had done to-day. "Not he," said Hector. "He is liked as much as any one in the house he has been five times sent up for good.

Will's sister talked of the scents of her garden, how they refreshed and inspirited her to him, the odour of the shop new-roasted coffee predominated to-day had its invigorating effect; it meant money, and money meant life, the peaceful, fruitful life of those dear to him. He scarcely gave himself time to eat dinner, laid for him, as usual, by Mrs.

The thing was a game, a game with a great stake, and set rules, and Henry took it as he once had taken his golf and his billiards and his polo joyously, resiliently, determinedly, and without the slightest self-consciousness, and with never an eye for the gallery. He was inspirited, moreover, by the attitude of his friends.

She was firmer to meet the peril of her beloved: and being indeed, when thrown on her internal resources, one among the brave women of earth, though also one who required a lift from circumstances to take her stand calmly fronting a menace to her heart, she saw the evidence of her influence with Lord Romfrey: the level she could feel that they were on together so long as she was courageous, inspirited her sovereignly.

The plan like all great plans was simple; a dozen guns were trained on Kenilworth, where browsed the precious bullocks upon whose safety hung the fate of Kimberley. To kill them all was the end in view. Inspirited by the thought of the hunger and the "fall" that would follow, the enemy poured forth a liberal fusillade upon Kenilworth.

So we made for the timber. Once there we had to get off and climb on foot. It was steep, rough, very hard work. I had on chaps and spurs. Soon I was hot, laboring, and my heart began to hurt. We all had to rest. The baying of the hounds inspirited us now and then, but presently we lost it. Teague said they had gone over the ridge and as soon as we got up to the top we would hear them again.

Was her blithe acquiescence, after all, but an assumed virtue, to whose outward rags she clung? Was it possible that there was here no inward rebellion, none of that warfare against Destiny which at once inspirited and embittered his heart? His face grew dark, and Uncle Boaz, coming in to stir the fire, glanced up at him and sighed. "You sho' do look down in de mouf, Marse Chris," he observed.

Westlake laughed comfortably. After such a disclosure what could Carol do but return the courtesy by remarking that as for Kennicott, he wasn't romantic enough the darling. Before she left she had babbled to Mrs. Carthal's diabetes, and what Kennicott thought of the several surgeons in the Cities. She went home soothed by confession, inspirited by finding a new friend.