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'I should have been at the inquest had I seen the act, or even heard the shot. 'Did you carry a pistol with you on that night? 'As I wasn't riding through Central Africa, I did not. What is the meaning of these mysterious questions?

He scented some painful secret, though without venturing anywhere near the facts of the case. Roger refrained from enlightening him, not yet able to discuss the affair with a stranger, although knowing that in all probability the coroner would drag out a certain amount of the truth at the inquest.

And Mary turned out of the house, which had been HIS home, where HE was loved, and mourned for, into the busy, desolate, crowded street, where they were crying halfpenny broadsides, giving an account of the bloody murder, the coroner's inquest, and a raw-head-and-bloody- bones picture of the suspected murderer, James Wilson. But Mary heard not; she heeded not. She staggered on like one in a dream.

There's to be an inquest this evening, they say." "Don't spend all your time chattering in the village, Sarah," said Lady Fox-Wilton severely, as, still with her back toward the girls, she moved away in the direction of the drive. "You'll never get your dress done if you do." "I say what's wrong with mamma?" said Hester coolly, looking after her.

Because it was you who spoke for me at the inquest, when they looked round to see what all the old man's heirs had been doing that night you who testified to having dropped in and found me at my desk as usual.... I thought THAT would appeal to your journalistic sense if nothing else would!" Denver smiled.

There's only one of them, a shop in the Haymarket, keeps that particular kind of hairpin, and they snubbed him; they weren't going to give away their clients' names. And there was nothing in the rooms to give him a clue. All Cassavetti's private papers had been carried off, as you know. Then there was the old Russian you told about at the inquest.

Bunting had been looking for what at last she had found was the time and place of the inquest which was to be held that day. The hour named was a rather odd time two o'clock in the afternoon, but, from Mrs. Bunting's point of view, it was most convenient.

"They dragged the river," resumed his wife, "and found the cap, but they didn't find the body till nine weeks afterward. There was a inquest at the Peal o' Bells, and I identified you, and all that grand funeral was because they thought you'd lost your life saving little Billy. They said you was a hero." "You've made a nice mess of it," repeated Mr. Blows.

"They say a little bunch of coarse black hair was found in his clutch; however, at the inquest they brought in a verdict of 'Found Drowned. It saved trouble. I wonder who will get his money. He was enormously rich." "With ill-gotten gains." "Well, he must have some German kin to claim his fortune, and I'll make it my business to find out all I can when I return here." "So you are coming back?"

I shied further off, and did not answer him what were my private movements to him? and that also told against me at the inquest. Not long afterwards twenty minutes, perhaps I heard a shot, which seemed to be in the direction of the cottage.