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Mebbee this is the innin'. If it ain't, the next is," said Spears. With the weak end of the batting list up, there seemed little hope of getting a run on Vane that inning. He had so much confidence that he put the ball over for Gregg, who hit out of the reach of the infield. Again Vane sent up his straight ball, no doubt expecting Cairns to hit into a double play.

But at the beginning of the third inning one of the boys from his Sunday-school class strolled by and flung himself full length on the grass at his feet where he could see his profile just as he had seen it on Sunday while he was listening to the story that the teacher always told to introduce the lesson.

What'll you bet the fellow's not making a try to get on the regular ball team? Ha! ha! ha! He's got crust enough for it." "And I am not sure he hasn't the ability for it," said Easy Street. "Oh, rats!" snapped Walter. "He'd go to pieces in the first inning. He'll never make a pitcher in his life." "There are others," murmured Lucy Little. Frank went to his room with his head in a whirl.

"It's all right," called out Jean Lafitte, when he came within hail; and I saw now that he, indeed, had a boat's load of gasoline in tanks, cans and all manner of receptacles. "Town and a store, down there five miles," he explained as I caught his gunwale with boat hook. "You can git anything there. Now, the Giants an' the Cubs, why, they tied in the 'leventh inning yesterday. An' say "

This added to his confusion, and seeing at the bat the Charleston catcher who had in the second inning knocked out a perfect base-hit and made two bases on it, Reddy left the wily fox at second base to his own devices, and paid no heed to Tug's efforts to beat the man back to second.

Owen, after two strikes and three balls, again bunted. He succeeded in shoving Joe down to second, but it went as a sacrifice after all, because they got Owen before he could cross the initial sack. Again history repeated itself, and it seemed up to Hugh to do something to save the inning from being a goose-egg again. He braced himself for an effort.

But Dick declined all interference, and putting the cat inside his coat he stooped down and took one of Yuki Chan's unresisting hands. Her sleeve fell back, and he saw the long red scratch. "Hello! The cat had an inning too, didn't she? I'd like to chuck her for hurting you, but I can't let you give her a bath in that dirty hole.

The game really ended with that inning, for Scranton made five runs, having a nice little batting bee of their own for a change.

"I put it all over 'em last night, Major," he began exultantly. "I had my inning, and, I think, scored.

"Average," said Bertram solemnly, "there are times when I conceive a sort of respect for your commonplace and plodding intellect. Now, let me have my little inning. I used to commute on the Jersey and Delaware Short Line. There's a station on that line, Pearlington by name, that's a combination of Mosquitoville, Lonesomehurst and Nutting Doon.