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"What I see is this," Ford answered, thickly, "that I'm to hold my life at the cost of your degradation." "Degradation? That's a hard word. But as applied to me I don't know what it means." "Isn't it degradation? to enter into a marriage in which you put no love?" There was a kind of superb indifference in her answer. "You may call it degradation if you choose. I shouldn't.

Lord Ferriby, looking round upon faces well known to him, saw half a dozen men who spoke upon all occasions with a sublime indifference to the fact that they knew nothing of the subject in hand. With the least encouragement any one of them would have stepped on to the platform bubbling over with eloquence. Lord Ferriby was quite clever enough to perceive the danger.

He approached the Knight of the Cross who had remained motionless on his enormous stallion, looking like an iron statue, and had listened with the greatest indifference to the preceding conversation.

"Rupert has been telling me a story," she said a little breathlessly to Miriam who was filling a tray with the noisy indifference of a careless maid-servant. "Hang the plates! Hang the dishes! What story?" "It's rather wonderful, I think. It's about the Mackenzies' Eliza." "Then of course it's wonderful. And hang the knives and forks!" She threw them on the tray.

Are you sure?" "Not quite; but if it wasn't he it was his ghost. You haven't heard of his being at Hanaford?" "No. I've heard nothing of him for ages." Something in her tone made him return her side-glance; but her voice, on closer analysis, denoted only indifference, and her profile seemed to express the same negative sentiment.

Wheels rolled up and stopped. They often came, during these last days; Tante's purchases were arriving by every post. And the voices below seemed presently to alter in pitch and rhythm, mounting to her in a sonorous murmur, dully rising and falling. Karen listened in indifference. But suddenly there came another sound and this was sharp and near.

"It is the dear sin God has turned my back upon." Then it came to her that he had asked for no caress. He was going unassoiled to his God, with the divine indifference of the dying. Only his imagination looked backward and forward. And she thought, "It is a little light flame that I have lit with my own taper that has gone out, and presently the grave will extinguish that."

For the first days, some few solitary voices alone accompanied the "Vive l'Empereur!" of his generals, and of his aides-de-camp. This indifference, or, as he called it, mutinous spirit, was so much the more provoking as it was unexpected.

"Did you happen to know the lad who was taken away in her?" "Francois? Yes, I knew him," he replied. "Is he at all like this fisherman?" asked the general. The fellow turned his gaze on me with an expression of stolid indifference.

Having worded his appeal, Martin rose stiffly from his knees and closed the door of the shed after him. He had done what he could; he must bear the agony and remorse silently from now on. The old laziness and indifference returned slowly as he retraced his steps, and when he entered the silent cabin again he went naturally to the crooked stairs leading up to the loft.