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The boats of the Independencia are to turn adrift all the outward Spanish merchant ships; and the boats of the O'Higgins and Lautaro, under Lieutenants Bell and Robertson, are to set fire to one or more of the headmost hulks; but these are not to be cut adrift, so as to fall down upon the rest." By the cutting of the Esmeralda's cables, not one of these objects was effected.

A few hours after that the Peruvian squadron, consisting of the ironclad Independencia, the corvette Unica and the gunboat Pilsomayo, arrived, and it was resolved to engage the Huascar. The fight lasted for an hour and a half, and then darkness came on and the Huascar steamed away. The next morning she met the Shah and the Amethyst.

The paltry character of many of the matters in dispute will be best judged of from the following items: No. 4. Vouchers demanded for ten dollars' worth of mutton. 23 to 32. Certificates for cases of gin lost in the San Martin. 40. Deficiency of nine dollars in the pay-books of the Lautaro. 42. Do. of three dollars in the pay-books of the Independencia. 69.

The squadron consisted of the O'Higgins, San Martin, Lautaro, Independencia, and Puyrredon, the Galvarino and Araucano not being in readiness. Two vessels accompanied the squadron, to be afterwards fitted up as fire-ships. The Government was exceedingly anxious that some decisive blow should be at once struck.

You will, I hope, be kind enough to let me continue to perform the duties of your flag-midshipman.” “You will become my flag-lieutenant, Stephen. The post is vacant, for Don Valdes was yesterday appointed to the command of the Independencia, an American-built corvette of twenty-eight guns that has been purchased and fitted out.” On the 12th of September, 1819, the fleet set sail from Valparaiso.

In this report there are many inaccuracies. It is stated that when in Chili I accepted "the Brazilian command during the war of Independence" only. "Viesse occupar igual commando no Brazil emquanto durasse Guerra da Independencia." This is contrary to fact, as will be seen in the first chapter of this volume, where both the invitation to accept the command, and my conditional acceptance thereof are given. To repeat the actual words of the invitation, "Abandonnez-nous, Milord,

Your Excellency magnanimously presented to Congress a brief but lucid enumeration of my services to the State, which being taken into consideration by the enlightened representatives of a judicious and gallant people, "full pay during my life," and an honorary medal, were voted to me, accompanied by the truly gratifying announcement that such estimable gifts were "en testimonio de gratitud nacional por grandes servicios que prestò a la Republica durante la guerra de Independencia."

On such a one I have always wished to die." He was greeted with respect by the people in the street, the women weeping. He responded with a brief address, closing with the words, "May my blood be the last spilt for the welfare of the country, and if more should be shed, may it flow for its good, and not by treason. Viva Independencia! Viva Mexico!"

Andre, and alleged to be unlawfully and piratically taken out of those vessels on the high seas by a squadron consisting of two armed vessels, the Independencia del Sud, and the Altravida, under the command of Don Diego Chator, who sailed under a commission from the Government of the United Provinces of the Rio de la Plata that Government having been, or being a dependency of Spain, and its independence not having been acknowledged by Spain or by the United States.

"On board the Independencia, July 18, 1820." My Lord, The general discontent and anxiety which your Lordship's resignation has occasioned amongst the officers and others of the squadron, afford a strong proof how much the ungrateful conduct of the Government is felt by those serving under your command.