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Gwen did not believe that Adrian's disclaimer of any preoccupation of his affections was genuine. According to her theory of life and there is much to be said for it a full-blown Adonis, that is to say, a lovable man, refusing to love any woman on any terms, was a sort of monstrosity. The original Adonis of Art and Song was merely an homme incompris, according to this young lady.

In both cases it is a picture of human simplicity of a noble and artless nature out of harmony with its surroundings which moves us; but whereas in the Spanish romance the simplicity is that of the incompris, in the English novel it is that of the man with whom the incompris consorts.

But in slighter intimacies, and for a less stringent union? Indeed, is it worth while? We are all INCOMPRIS, only more or less concerned for the mischance; all trying wrongly to do right; all fawning at each other's feet like dumb, neglected lap- dogs. Sometimes we catch an eye this is our opportunity in the ages and we wag our tail with a poor smile. "IS THAT ALL?" All? If you only knew!

But even if it were so, it is, to say the least of it, doubtful whether Sterne suffered at all on this ground from the wounded feelings of the mari incompris, while it is next to certain that it does not need the sting of any such disappointment to account for his alienation.