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These were all clad in purple and crowned with ivy-wreaths, they marched sedately, keeping their eyes lowered, while their lips moved constantly, as though they muttered inaudible incantations.

Then you did know?" "I know now." Her white stare continued to travel past him. "Sunday, the 20th that was the day he came first." Parvis's voice was almost inaudible. "Came here first?" "Yes." "You saw him twice, then?" "Yes, twice." She breathed it at him with dilated eyes. "He came first on the 20th of October.

My reply was probably inaudible, for he added, as he passed to his own seat: "I am afraid you are not well." I roused myself. "I am not ill." And, pulling the papers towards me, I began looking them over. But the words danced before my eyes, and I was obliged to give up all attempt at work for that night. "I fear I am unable to assist you this evening, Mr. Harwell.

Pinto said or was saying was quite inaudible, for he always spoke low, and in the present case he was invisible, like an ortolan smothered in vine-leaves; but every now and then St. Aldegonde broke into a frightful shout, and Hugo Bohun tittered immensely. Then St.

The monkey I had aimed at seemed only wounded, when, as I was going to fire a second time, it slid down and fell dead at our feet; its young one, which we had not at first perceived, was sitting upon a limb about ten feet from the ground, uttering low, and almost inaudible, plaintive cries. In a quarter of an hour the animal was skinned and hung in front of a large fire.

It is therefore not difficult for us to imagine that it might be possible for a man to develop this power, and thus in time to learn to see much that is invisible to his fellow-men, and hear much that is inaudible to them, since we know perfectly well that enormous numbers of these additional vibrations do exist, and are simply, as it were, awaiting recognition.

His peculiar voice, as if filtered through cotton-wool was inaudible on the other side of the deck. Poor Flora, taken very much unawares, made an inarticulate murmur, shook her head vaguely, and glanced in the direction of the pacing Anthony who was not looking her way. It was no use glancing in that direction.

Gossip flies to a wider circle round the members of a great titled family, is inaudible; or no longer the diptherian whisper the commonalty hear of the commonalty: and so we see the social uses of our aristocracy survive. We do not want the shield of any family; it is the situation that wants it; Nataly ought to be awake to the fact.

I became accustomed to the shelter of it. I could walk the streets and see, dimly, without being seen. In those days, I thought that, perhaps, I might meet him." "I don't wonder you shrank from it," returned Ralph. His voice was almost inaudible. "It became harder still to put it by. My heart was broken, and it shielded me as a long, black veil shields a widow.

'Eighty notes of a hundred. Pretty little handful, isn't it? They don't look, he added, with his head reflectively on one side and his eyebrows raised a little, 'they don't look as they'd buy as much as they will. Bommaney tried to find a commonplace word by answer, and an inaudible something died drily in his throat.