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For after the object is removed, or the eye shut, wee still retain an image of the thing seen, though more obscure than when we see it. And this is it, that Latines call Imagination, from the image made in seeing; and apply the same, though improperly, to all the other senses. But the Greeks call it Fancy; which signifies Apparence, and is as proper to one sense, as to another.

Nekhludoff, without listening to Osten, turned to his sister: "How glad I am that you came!" In the course of their conversation he told her how sorry he felt for having fallen out with her husband; that he had intended to return and confess that he was at fault, but that he knew not how her husband would take it. "I spoke improperly to him, and it tortured me," he said. "I knew it.

Suggest that he is being improperly detained." Hamel crumpled up the telegram and thrust it into his pocket. "By-the-by," he asked, as they ascended the steps, "what did you say the name of this poor fellow was who is lying ill up-stairs?" Gerald hesitated for a moment. Then he answered as though a species of recklessness had seized him. "He called himself Mr. John P. Dunster." Mr.

If less, then how improperly were all those names of rule and government imposed upon officers, which nowhere are given by Scripture to the multitude! as Pastors, Eph. iv. 8, 11. Elders, 1 Tim. v. 17. Overseers, Acts xx. 28. Guides, Heb. xiii. 7, 17, 22. In this last verse they are contradistinguished from the saints; church-guides, and saints guided, make up a visible organical church.

"I fancy it is for me!" said Edward Henry. "The premium mentioned is absurdly inadequate, and the ground-rent is quite improperly low." "That's just why I look on it as commercial from my point of view," said Edward Henry. "It isn't worth the paper it's written on," said Mr. Slosson. "Why?" "Because, seeing the unusual form of it, it ought to be stamped, and it isn't stamped." "Listen here, Mr.

The network of material, financial, and intellectual communications, connecting all parts of the developed world, and establishing quick, constant, cheap, and reliable modes of transport for men, goods, money, and information, form the actual basis of what may not improperly be called an economic world-state.

He showed convincingly that the ideas of hand and foot had been wrongly defined, and had been improperly based on physiological instead of morphological grounds.

By a lady who saw us at the chapel, the Earl of Errol was informed of our arrival, and we had the honour of an invitation to his seat, called Slanes Castle, as I am told, improperly, from the castle of that name, which once stood at a place not far distant. The road beyond Aberdeen grew more stony, and continued equally naked of all vegetable decoration.

But that he does love her, and loves her as no married woman should be loved, by another than her husband, is clear enough." "Suppose, then, it be as you say! So long as he does nothing improperly, there is nothing to be said. There is no evil." "Ah, but there is evil. There is danger." "How? I do not see." "Suppose your wife makes the same discovery which other persons have made?

Bosambo made his preparations at leisure. There was much to avoid before he took his temporary farewell of the tribe. Not the least to be counted amongst those things to be done was the extraction, to its uttermost possibility, of the levy which he had quite improperly instituted.