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"Perhaps, but you need not give them. I trust, madam, and I do not say it with any intent of impoliteness, that we shall never meet again." "You speak wisely, Captain Prescott," she said. But she raised the hood that hid her brow and gave him a glance from dark blue eyes that a second time brought to Prescott that strange tremour at once a cause of surprise and anger.

I even told him I didn't want to come in, because I wanted to see a part of the pond that looked pretty, but he brought us just the same. Did you ever hear of such impoliteness?"

"Oh, we have had quite enough of misconceptions," said that estimable lady, with what appeared to be another shot at Wallace. "Let us have the truth at last. I had the impoliteness to ask Colonel Bancker his age, and he had the courtesy to say that he was just turned of thirty-two." "Ph-ph-ph-ph-ew!" came in a long whistle from the lips of the tormentor.

"So you're going over to-morrow," said Mr. Badger. "What are you going to do; treat the little invalid?" "Why, no indeed, not unless she asks me to." "Why not?" "Because it would be error; it's the worst kind of impoliteness to treat anybody that doesn't ask you to; but I've got to know every minute that her belief is a lie, and that God doesn't know anything about it."

So sometimes he was guilty of the impoliteness of slipping into half-unconscious reveries of a few minutes' duration, and, being thus guilty upon one particular occasion, he was roused, after a short lapse of time, through the magnetic influence of a pair of soft eyes fixed upon him, which eyes he encountered the instant he looked up, with a start.

He declares himself "mauna" a mountain; and points to his abdomen in proof of his statement. Then, unless he expects a recurrence of hunger, he carefully wraps up the fragments and bones which remain of his portion of pig, and these he must take with him. It would be the height of impoliteness to leave them; and each visitor scrupulously takes away every remaining bit of his share.

Perhaps that will teach you to wear your rubbers next time and be more careful." Jewel found the backstairs and ascended them, her little heart hot within her. "She's the impolitest woman in the whole world, Anna Belle!" she whispered. "I'm going to not cry. Mother didn't know what impoliteness there was at grandpa's or she wouldn't have let us come."

And these people, whose interests were so warmly looked after, in order not to fail in respect for their king, quitted shops, stalls, and atliers, to go and evince a little gratitude to Louis XIV., absolutely like invited guests, who feared to commit an impoliteness in not repairing to the house of him who had invited them.

"Where was I when we were interrupted?" asked Judge Tiffany, leaning forward. "Twenty-fourth page, fifth chapter," said Kate. "I was just getting you jealous and you were trying not to show it. Mr. Chester oh excuse me well, I've broken in now, so I might as well get the reward of my impoliteness may I use you to make Judge Tiffany jealous?" "Sure you can!" answered Bertram.

"Charlotte," interrupted Sophie, shocked at this open impoliteness, "I hope you are forgiving enough to break it to him that he's got to see the Doctor; for if he comes unexpectedly and goes up to his room, he will be dramatic, and that is so unpleasant, as we know to our sorrow."