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He laughed, but suddenly grew serious again. "No, your story first; you owe it me. Let me know all that concerns you. Your past, your sorrows, ambitions everything." He bent to her imperiously. With a faint, broken smile, her hands still in his, she assented.

Mahmud had long been imperiously summoning him to join the forces at Metemma; and although he hated the Kordofan general, and resented his superior authority, the wary and cunning Osman decided that in this case it would be convenient to obey and make a virtue of necessity.

If she had looked at him! Oh, if she had but once looked at his face, she could not have resisted its beauty, its sorrow, its imploration! But she would not look. She drew her hands angrily away from him. She turned her back upon her suppliant son and imperiously summoned Rachela. "Good-by, mi madre." "Good-by, mi madre!" She would not turn to him, or answer him a word.

"If you will only satisfy her, I might ask you to come and see us I might even take the vase." With that strong hint, she actually gave him her hand at parting. Her perfect self-possession, her easy familiarity with this stranger so bold, and yet so innocent petrified me. "I shall send my friend to you this morning," she said imperiously, striking her cane on the turf.

As he spoke he laughed, not sardonically, a jovial laugh, and opened wide, to reshut as in a vice, the strong iron hand which had doubtless closed over many a man's all. "Thanks. On Friday, seven o'clock." He tossed the papers back on the bureau, nodded a royal nod, and strode forth imperiously as he had strode in.

'These men do seek each other's lives, and many are like to be undone between them. His nostrils dilated like those of a high-mettled horse that starts back. 'What maggot is this? he said imperiously. 'Here there is no disunion. He rolled his eyes angrily and breathed short, twisting his hands. It was part of his nature to insist that all the world should believe in the concord of his people.

Hadrian had expected Antinous many hours since, and the impatience and vexation which had been long seething in him were reflected plainly enough in his sternly-bent brow and the threatening fire of his eye. "Where have you been?" he imperiously asked. "I could not find you, so I took a boat and went out on the lake." "That is false." Antinous did not answer, but merely shrugged his shoulders.

Alexander had proved the old order of Catholicity to be untenable. The Reformation was imperiously demanded. His very vices spurred the spirit of humanity to freedom. Before a saintly Pontiff the new age might still have trembled in superstitious reverence. The Borgia to all logical intellects rendered the pretensions of a Pope to sway the souls of men ridiculous.

And the reason he had never guessed and never could guess was that he left out of all the data at his hand the one first moving factor: that he was a beautiful youth and Anne had imperiously loved him and had never ceased to love.

They then retired within the walls, and first offering up their thanksgivings for past mercies, and petitioning for a continuance of the divine favor throughout the coming night, they laid their tender forms on the fragrant couch, and in spite of recollections and forebodings, soon sank into those slumbers which nature so imperiously demanded, and which were sweetened by hopes for the morrow.