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The Imperator how he loved and adored him! Through all the campaigning nothing could seem to break the strength of that nervous, agile, finely strung physique.

It was simply that the change was fully wrought; that the chief magistrate of the commonwealth had gradually changed into the sovereign of the Empire; that Imperator, Cæsar, and Augustus, once titles lowlier than that of King, had now become, as they have ever since remained, titles far loftier.

He gave freely to the poor; he erected gorgeous places of amusement; he built the new temple and a great palace in the upper city. The splendor of the latter structures had outdone the imperator. No shape born of barbaric dreams, to be slowly spread upon the earth in marble and gold, had so taxed the cunning and the patience of human hands.

"The noble Imperator is returning!" fell from the bearded lips of the commander of the guard, ere the courtier's words had died away; and even while he spoke Iras pressed past him, shrieking as if half frantic: "He is coming! He is here! I knew he would come! How they are shouting and cheering! Out with you, men!

Imperator and consul, he commanded the armies and exercised executive power; pro-consul, he was supreme in the provinces; perpetual censor and princeps, he reigned over the senate; tribune, he was the master of the people.

So Augustus was Emperor or Imperator, which meant no more than general of the armies of the Republic; he was Consul, or chief civil administrator of the Republic; he was Pontifex Maximus, high-priest of the Republic. He could have had more titles and offices still if he would have accepted them from an obsequious senate.

This was divided into eight Corps, which, at any rate in the first instance, were to be directed by one central head, without any kind of intervention. The Imperator himself was the only person to assume this difficult task; Marshal Bazaine was to command the army as it assembled, until the Emperor's arrival.

As events unfolded, the transformation began again; and the "adroit" man, taking advantage of every chance, became once more a cosmopolitan this time not as a soldier, but as a statesman; not as a servant, but as the imperator universalis, too large for a single land, determined to reunite once more all Western Christendom, and, like the great German Charles a thousand years before, make the imperial limits conterminous with those of orthodox Christianity.

Moses and his friends thought it wiser to avoid an altercation. This exclusiveness of 'Imperator' certainly donne furieusement a penser. If spirits are spirits they may just as well take it for understood that performances 'done in a corner' are of no scientific value.

Et hoc proculdubio sciendum, quod in nostris partibus rara sint oppida cum pluribus mansionibus, quam in isto palatio continentur. Tota aestate moratur in India terra frigidissima, in hyeme in Cambalu. Odericus. Praeter palatium hoc in Caydo, habet Imperator similiter tria: vnum in ciuitate Sadus, versus Septentrionem, vbi competens est frigus, ibi moratur in aestate.