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I think of the number of yards of net in Miss Murdstone's cap, or of the price of Mr. Murdstone's dressing-gown, or any such ridiculous problem that I have no business with, and don't want to have anything at all to do with. Mr. Murdstone makes a movement of impatience which I have been expecting for a long time. Miss Murdstone does the same.

Now that his feet were fairly planted on the wide highway of the future, his impatience was taking its well-earned rest; he would allow no dreams to interfere with the packing of his brain. It was late in the afternoon, and the fashionable world was promenading on lower Broadway and on the Battery by the Fort.

"Of what?" asked the young girl, with a troubled voice. "What have I to fear now?" "What do you wish?" resumed Panine, with old firmness, and with a gesture of impatience. "I wish to speak with you immediately." "You see that is impossible." "I must." Cayrol and Herzog approached. Serge smiled at Jeanne with a sign of the head which meant "Yes."

"I am afraid you are indulging in very unorthodox ideas," he said with impatience "In fact I consider you altogether mistake your calling and position." These were the words which had reached the attentive ears of the Patoux children on their way up to bed, and had caused Henri to declare that the Archbishop and the Cardinal were quarrelling.

He had learned to walk about the rooms and on the gravel-drive before the Abbey with these crutches, and had even learned to do without them, for he was now able to set the lamed foot upon the ground, and to walk a few paces pretty steadily, with no better support than that of his cane; but as yet he walked slowly and doubtfully, in spite of his impatience to be about once more.

"But, Doctor, how can you expect" But the Doctor interrupted. "Come, now, none of that! You and your wife are brave; I must say that for you. She has the courage of a gladiator. You can do this if you will." "Doctor," said Richling, "you are the best of friends; but, you know, the fact is, Mary and I well, we're still lovers." "Oh!" The Doctor turned away his head with fresh impatience.

He thought he beheld at one and the same time the oneness of this knot, and the universality of all which it implies; because, when it came to his recollection, his heart dilated, and in the course of one moment he felt ages of impatience to speak of it.

"I'll say that you're thoughtful and kind, and you're not exacting; you never worry, you're not troublesome, and you're easy to please." "All that's nonsense," she said, "but I'll tell you one thing: I'm one of the few persons I ever met who are able to learn from experience." Philip looked forward to his return to London with impatience.

If the potatoes were boiled when he wanted them mashed or baked, it made a serious difference to him, and he would grow red in the face and shout at the servants if his eggs for breakfast were done a moment more or less than he liked. He was a ridiculous spectacle in his impatience if dinner were late, and a sad one in his sensual satisfaction if it answered to his expectations.

Each time the astonished doorkeeper replied: "No one has been here, and there is no letter for you." Five identical negative answers to the same inquiries only increased the magistrate's wrath and impatience. "It is inconceivable!" he exclaimed. "Here I am upon coals of fire, and that man dares to keep me waiting. Where can he be?"