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Even the petty despots strove after similar distinctions, and we do them injustice by thinking that they only supported the scholars at their courts as a means of diffusing their own fame. A ruler like Borso of Ferrara, with all his vanity, seems by no means to have looked for immortality from the poets, eager as they were to propitiate him with a 'Borseid' and the like.

Enthusiastic as we are in the noble cause to which we have devoted ourselves, we should have felt a sensation of pride which we cannot express, and a consciousness of having done something to merit immortality of which we are now deprived, could we have laid the faintest outline on these addresses before our ardent readers. Mr.

What hinders those poor dumb slaves from enjoying some emancipate existence we need not perhaps accord them more of immortality than justice, demands for compensation for a definite time, a millennium let us think, in scores of those million orbs that twinkle in the galaxy?

Thy song can never be silenced while heaven pulsates with the unwritten music of the spheres, and even were the crown of immortality denied to lesser men, it is, it must be the heritage of the poet!

I think my faith as sound, my pardon as sure, when these privileges are withdrawn, as when I enjoy them." "Friday, 3d April. "Stanley: my departure is at hand. My eternal redemption draweth nigh. My hope is full of immortality. This is my comfort not that my sins are few or small, but that they are, I humbly trust, pardoned, through him who loved me, and gave himself for me.

In what manner of Paradise are we to conceive that you, Horace, are dwelling, or what region of immortality can give you such pleasures as this life afforded? The country and the town, nature and men, who knew them so well as you, or who ever so wisely made the best of those two worlds?

"I devoted a fourth year to perfecting my system of organic communication, and made some advance toward developing life in inorganic matter. From this latter attainment it would be but a step to perpetuate life, and I should thus restore immortality to man.

It is not when we think of the loss of anything to which a taint of selfishness can adhere it is not even when we think of intellectual effort cut short for ever by death just as the intellect has ripened and equipped itself with the necessary knowledge that the nothingness of this immortality of conservated forces is most keenly felt: it is when we think of the miserable end of affection.

The great, the immortal Jefferson himself, he who when past the three score years and ten, still taught young females to obey his nod, and so became the father of unnumbered generations of groaning slaves, what was his matin and his vesper hymn? "All men are born free and equal." Did the venerable father of the gang believe it? Or did he too purchase his immortality by a lie?

Man cannot perish utterly. Heroes are deified; and the spirits of the dead return to us in visions of the night. Fame to the Roman, even more than to us, was "the last infirmity of noble minds". It was so in a special degree to Cicero. The instinctive sense of immortality, he argues, is strong within us; and as, in the words of the English poet, "Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting",