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He must hev somethin' t' ill-use when he's in a passion. 'I'd tek care he didn't leather me no, not if he was my husban' ten times o'er; I'd pour hot drippin' on him sooner. But the missis hasn't a sperrit like me. He'll mek her come back, you'll see; he'll come round her somehow.

'Hush, Dick! said Oliver, as the boy ran to the gate, and thrust his thin arm between the rails to greet him. 'Is any one up? 'Nobody but me, replied the child. 'You musn't say you saw me, Dick, said Oliver. 'I am running away. They beat and ill-use me, Dick; and I am going to seek my fortune, some long way off. I don't know where. How pale you are!

"But she can not walk as far as a man," replied Mrs. Campbell. "No, ma'am, and so I suppose they will be twenty days going instead of twelve." "Will they ill-treat or ill-use her, Martin?" said Emma. "No, ma'am, I shouldn't think they would, although they will make her walk, and will tie her at night when they stop."

When Cradell escaped out of the house in Burton Crescent, making his way through the passage into the outer air, he did so because he feared that Lupex would beat him or kick him, or otherwise ill-use him.

But that is no reason why you should ill-use them: but only why you should pity them, and be kind to them, and hope that some day they will wake up, and be ashamed of their nasty, dirty, lazy, stupid life, and try to amend, and become something better once more. You know they won't? Very well, I daresay you know best. But you see, some folks have a great liking for those poor little efts.

I have not the slightest wish that you should ill-use them. But if you desire that your family concerns should be treated with reserve and reticence, you had better learn to treat the family affairs of others in the same way."

"This ogre was ugly, with a shaggy head, a shaggy beard, and fierce eyes, and he lived all by himself in a great stone castle on the shore of a large lake. His principal pleasure consisted in tormenting everything and everybody he came near; but if he had any preference, it was for boys; to tease and ill-use them had the power of affording him great happiness.

The sentry would, of course, order me back to my room, but I doubt if he would ill-use me; the denunciation was against the landlord, not against me. Still not a sound. I could have danced with joy. Five minutes more and I would be across the garden and over that wooden fence, and once more on my way to fortune.

Here, give me that stick." "Why, I thought you said I ill-used him!" "And I'll ill-use him too," said Tom savagely, "if he doesn't come and have on his collar. Now, then, you, sir, come here," cried Tom sharply.

"Why, yes, ma'am; I don't see how it can be otherwise; I don't know of the Indians having any horses, although they may have." "But she cannot walk as far as a man," replied Mrs Campbell. "No, ma'am, and so I suppose they will be twenty days going instead of twelve." "Will they ill-treat or ill-use her, Martin?" said Emma.