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They never addressed the natives but in the most degrading terms, and on the least offence, or the least freak of ill-humor, inflicted blows and lashes, and even death itself.

In a fit of ill-humor at the Baron, had she not herself accused him in Alba's presence of this very simple plan, to bring Ardea to a final catastrophe in order to offer him salvation in the form of the union with Fanny, and to execute at the same time an excellent operation?

If Gorka is a Pole, I am from Lorraine, and the heir of the Castellans will only make me do what I agree to, nothing more." In such an ill-humor and with such a resolution, Julien reached the door of his house.

It is recorded of him that he tended his little sisters with care and fondness, and sought in all ways to lessen the dislike and ill-humor of his step-mother. It is not hardship, however, that enervates a lad. It is indulgence and luxury that do that.

Coupeau, who had been watching a workman, completely soaked, yet quietly walking along in the rain, murmured: "If that animal My-Boots is waiting for us on the Route de Saint-Denis, he won't catch a sunstroke." That made some of them laugh; but the general ill-humor increased. It was becoming ludicrous.

At this question Hindbad was covered with confusion, and hanging down his head, replied, "My lord, I confess that, overcome by weariness and ill-humor, I uttered indiscreet words, which I pray you to pardon me." "Oh!" replied Sindbad, "do not imagine that I am so unjust as to blame you. On the contrary, I understand your situation and can pity you.

In a fit of ill-humor at the Baron, had she not herself accused him in Alba's presence of this very simple plan, to bring Ardea to a final catastrophe in order to offer him salvation in the form of the union with Fanny, and to execute at the same time an excellent operation?

While Susanna is playing the role of dressing-maid to Cherubino, and instructing him in a ladylike bearing, the Count raps for admission to the room. Figaro's decoy letter caused him uneasiness, and he had abandoned the hunt. Cherubino hurries into the chamber, and the Countess turns the key upon him before admitting his lordship, who enters in an ill-humor which is soon turned into jealous rage.

Jenks's unwonted ill-humor for the passage of days had driven from his face all its harshness, and from his tongue all its assumed bitterness created a passing cloud until the physical exertion of scrambling over the rocks to round the North Cape restored their normal relations.

And hold! your eyes are a little the color of the periwinkle." He turned his head and looked at Gilbert with a scornful air, and had already prepared to leave him, when a glance over the road dispersed his ill-humor, for in the distance he saw Wilhelm and his comrades returning from the fete. "Come quick, my children," cried he, rising in his stirrups.