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An' syne again, I thocht it was the gate o' Paradees afore which stud the angel wi' the flamin' sword that turned ilka gait, and wadna lat me in. But I'm some better sin the licht cam, and I wad fain hae a drappy o' that fine caller tipple they ca' watter." Alec ran down and brought it cold from the pump, saying, as Mr Cupples returned the tumbler with a look of thanks,

Flockhart, sighing, as she observed the direction of his eyes, 'the puir Colonel bought a new ane just the day before they marched, and I winna let them tak that ane doun, but just to brush it ilka day mysell; and whiles I look at it till I just think I hear him cry to Callum to bring him his bonnet, as he used to do when he was ganging out.

He only knew that the river was below from the sound. "Is there a man down there?" he asked, shuddering. "There was a minute syne; on a bit island." "Why does he not speak?" "He is senseless. Dinna move; the mist's clearing, and you'll see if he's there syne. The mist has been lifting and falling that way ilka minute since me and the grieve saw him." The mist did not rise.

Ilka cloud has aye its siller linin'. Noo, for instance, it was a fearfu' pain I took but the ither that I took to cure it it was Scotch," and Archie drew a gentle sigh, half of piety and half of reminiscence. When next I turned my steps towards Archie's door, though only two short days had fled, all life had changed to me and darkness hung about me like a pall.

"That's as God pleases," said the Scotchman, a sturdy, grave- visaged man. "Ilka bullet has its billet; an' gin we're to coom back, back we'll coom, though it rained bullets all the way." Neville bade them God speed and rode on to "Warner's meeting- house," as it was called. It was a large frame structure, utterly devoid of ornament, near the roadside.

He brought his hand down with a bang upon the barrel, laughed disdainfully, and springing over the vessel's side was at once lost in the darkness. Instead of following, all stood transfixed, gazing at the barrel, on which lay five shillings. "He put them there when he slammed it!" "Losh behears! there's a shilling to ilka ane o' us." "I winna touch the siller," said Sandys, moodily.

For the thought of the horrors from which he had saved me for the first time swept over me; his own kind treatment overcame me, and I blubbered like a child. With that he turned his back. "Hoots," says he, again, "dinna ye thank me. 'Tis naething to scuttle a nest of vermin, but the duty of ilka man who sails the seas."

But my auld een's drawing thegither dinna hurry yoursell, my bonny man, tak mind about the putting out the candle, and there's a horn of ale, and a glass of clow-gillie-flower water; I dinna gie ilka body that; I keep it for a pain I hae whiles in my ain stamach, and it's better for your young blood than brandy. Sae, gude-night to ye, Mr Henry, and see that ye tak gude care o' the candle."

I asked Andrew, who looked as pale as death, what all this meant. "I doubt we'll ken that ower sune," said he. "Means? It means that the Highland wives are cursing and banning the red-coats, and wishing ill-luck to them, and ilka ane that ever spoke the Saxon tongue.

There's Davit Lunan 'at can speak like as if he had learned it aff a paper, an' yet I canna thole 'im." "Davit," said Hendry, "doesna speak in a wy 'at a body can follow 'im. He doesna gae even on. Jess says he's juist like a man ay at the cross-roads, an' no sure o' his wy. But the stock has words, an' no ilka body has that."