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In attesa che quella giustizia che ci nega Wilson conclude ci venga dal popolo della libera America, noi gridiamo; Guai a chitocco i tre colori della bandiera italiana. * "Parla di nuovo, per ultimo, il maggiore Saylor, il quale ripete il sentimento suo e dei suoi colleghi concorde con quello dei populo italiano.

"Still, you would not like to have it said that you were the cause of his getting into any difficulty; and you know very well he is not one to extricate himself easily, if once involved." "Never fear. 'Il y a un Dieu pour les enfants et les ivrognes', says a proverb in which I place implicit faith."

Comme il faudroit composer un livre entier pour decrire toutes ces faveurs extraordinaires, je n'en rapporterai que deux, ayant ete temoin oculaire de l'une et propre sujet de l'autre." Vie, 95. The removal from Notre-Dame de Foy took place at the end of 1673, and the chapel was finished in the following year.

Her intercourse with her was largely made up of a gloomy demand for sympathy and a stately evasion of it. Mrs. Forrester now poured her out a second cup of tea, answering, soothingly, "Yes, she is capricious. But what do you expect, my dear Eleanor? She is a force of nature, above our little solidarities and laws. What do you expect? When one worships a force of nature, il faut subir son sort."

"Am I a dog, to meet this end!" demanded Pippo, fiercely "or that I should not know my own bones from those of some infidel rascal, who may happen to be my neighbor!" "We have had one disturbance about brutes, let us not have another;" sarcastically rejoined Il Maledetto.

As long as we hold the heights, Verdun is safe." His simple French, innocent of argot, had a good country twang. "But oh, the people killed! Comme il y a des gens tués!" He pronounced the final s of the word gens in the manner of the Valois. "Ça s'accroche aux arbres," he continued. The vagueness of the ça had a dreadful quality in it that made you see trees and mangled bodies.

The man with the tambourine sallied forth. Out of the momentary silence came the indistinct tinkle of the piano in the barge beyond; some one over there was bellowing the toreador's song. This died away amid a faint patter of applause. How clear all the sounds were! thought Merrihew. The tenor of the San Marco troupe rose with the prima donna. It was Il Trovatore this time; a bit noisy.

In October 1844 Eugène Robin, reviewing Sydney Smith in the Revue des Deux Mondes, wrote as follows: "Caché sous le pseudonyme de Peter Plymley il adresse ces nouvelles provinciales

One of the best ones is DOV' `E IL GATTO. It nearly always produces a pleasant surprise, therefore I save it up for places where I want to express applause or admiration. The fourth word has a French sound, and I think the phrase means "that takes the cake."

The great porte-cochere was wide open, and, pressing through it, and surrounding the stately building at every point was a vast crowd, densely packed and almost absolutely silent. Quite up to the inner portico these waiting thousands pressed, though, as they recognised the Royal liveries, they did their best to make immediate way, and a low murmur arose "Evviva il Re!"