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Indeed, though the thought was scarcely defined, she had some unsophisticated misgivings as to whether Miss Priscilla Gower might not have been aroused to a sense of the wrongs done her through the medium of Il Trovatore, and so have laid an interdict upon his visits; but it was only Sir Dugald who had suggested this to her fancy.

L'histoire n'est fondee que sur le tomoignage des Auteurs qui nous l'ont transmisse. Il importe donc extremement, pour la scavoir, de bien connoitre quels etoient ces Auteurs.

Their priests even affect to know something of foreign literature. The priest of Benowm assured me that he could read the writings of the Christians: he showed me a number of barbarous characters, which he asserted were the Roman alphabet; and he produced another specimen, equally unintelligible, which he declared to be the Kallam il Indi, or Persian.

The arctic polar star is there invisible, but the guardiani are seen in some measure to revolve, and the constellation which is known by the name of il crusero, is seen in the heavens at a high altitude. To the eastwards of St Thomas, and at the distance of 120 miles, the small island called Il Principe is situated.

"That is my cousin, with the carriage," said M. Grandissime, following the apothecary into the shop. Frowenfeld opened to a young man, a rather poor specimen of the Grandissime type, deficient in stature but not in stage manner. "Est il mort?" he cried at the threshold. "Mr. Frowenfeld, let me make you acquainted with my cousin, Achille Grandissime." Mr.

"Il s'est trompe de defunte." The writer of this phrase had his sense of that portly manner of French, and his burlesque is fine; but the paradox must be risked because he was French he was not able to possess all its grotesque mediocrity to the full; that is reserved for the English reader.

De ce côté, près de la pointe de l'angle, est la belle église de Saint-George, qui a, en face de la Turquie, [Footnote: Il s'agit ici de la Turquie d'Asie. On n'avoit point encore donné ce nom aux provinces que les Turcs possedoient en Europe.] une tour

The valley of the Oxus is well cultivated, but the houses are none of the best." B. "I give my voice for Cairo. It is a city full of curious details, as well in its architecture, as in its street population; to say nothing of its other resources its pleasant promenades, and the occasional society of men of taste and letters 'mais il faut aimer la chaleur."

The Signor Conte Leandro Lombardoni that was the name of the young man hitherto called Il Signor Conte opened the door with his own hand, and, putting his head eagerly into the interior, cried, "Are you there, Signor Ercole? Well! What news? Have you succeeded? Let me give you a hand."

Sur ce dernier, il observe que ce lieu, situé au milieu d'une grève des côtes de Normandie, est deux fois par jour, au temps du flux, baigné des eaux de la mer. Mais il ajoute que, le jour de la fête du saint l'accés du rocher et de la chapelle reste libre; que l'Océan y forme, comme fit la Mer rouge, au temps de Moise, deux grands murs, entre lesquels on peut passer