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For a long time, he stood there; while the twilight failed and the night came. Slowly, in the soft darkness with bowed head, as one humbled and ashamed, he went back down the canyon to the little glade, and to the camp. The Three Gifts and Their Meanings The next day, Aaron King too distracted to paint idled all the afternoon in the glade. But the girl did not come.

People who wander there pick up bits of marble, serpentine, and malachite, remains of the palaces that long ago fell into the sea, and have not left even the names of their owners and builders,-the ancient loafers who idled away their days as everybody must in this seductive spot.

Somehow the gang of us who had idled away the summer afternoons in the sand-bar shallows beyond the Deep Hole seemed suddenly to grow into young men who must not neglect school nor business duties. Awkwardly enough but earnestly we strove to keep Springvale a pushing, prosperous community, and while our efforts were often ludicrous, the manliness of purpose had its effect.

A morning idled away in this manner, and an afternoon spent in seeing the bathers I never trust my easily curdled blood to the chill of the sea and in walking along the sands with a friend, or dreaming quietly by myself as I watched the surf rolling in all the way from Tilamook Head to Cape Disappointment, these were my daily labors and recreations.

He repeated passages from Shakespeare and Burns incessantly over the odd jobs he undertook or as he idled by the streams for he was a famous fisherman and Lincoln soon became one of his constant companions. The taste he formed in company with Kelso he retained through life. William D. Kelley tells an incident which shows that Lincoln had a really intimate knowledge of Shakespeare. Mr.

There, however, he had nothing to do, and all the licentious and disaffected congregated round him; he idled away half his time, and revelled the rest, and his pretensions magnified themselves all the time in his fancy, till at last he was stimulated to demand of his father the cession of Normandy, as a right confirmed to him by the French king.

I attended an expensive and select private school, idled my way through that somehow, and entered college, a happy-go-lucky young fellow with money in my pocket. For two-thirds of my Freshman year which was all I experienced of University life I enjoyed myself as much as possible, and studied as little. Then came the telegram.

He had toiled there year after year, at his self-appointed task, while infants grew to boyhood to vigorous youth idled through school and college acquired a profession claimed man's mature estate married and looked back to infancy as to a thing of some vague, ancient time, almost. But who shall tell how many ages it seemed to this prisoner?

Portius Cato also said that there were but three things of which he would repent: if ever he had trusted his wife with his secret, if he had idled away a day, and if he had ever gone by sea to a place which he could visit by land.

The Three Pure Ones and the Four Rulers he treated with some little respect; but the planetary gods and the lords of the twenty-eight houses of the moon, and of the twelve zodiac signs, and the other stars he addressed familiarly with a "Hey, you!" Thus he idled day by day, without occupation among the clouds of the Heavens.