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To a congress of psychologists Pfungst briefly reported on work with anthropoid apes in certain of the German zoölogical gardens. His preliminary paper does not enable one to make definite statements concerning either his methods or such results as he may have obtained concerning ideational behavior. So far as I know, he has not as yet published further concerning his investigation.

She recovered completely about six and a half months after her admission. If we consider together the common features of these three cases, we see that they resemble stupors only in the presence of inactivity and apparent apathy. It is true that death appears in the ideational content but not with that prominence, bordering on exclusiveness, which characterizes such delusions in the true stupors.

His observations, had he committed himself to anything approaching interpretation, doubtless would have led him to conclusions concerning the ideational life of these animals very similar to those of Hobhouse.

Although the construction was throughout simple, everything was convenient and so planned as to expedite my experimental work. The large room A, adjoining the cages, was used exclusively for an experimental study of ideational behavior by means of my recently devised multiple-choice method.

He had also begun to develop his doctrine of 'unconscious cerebration, that is, the existence of mental processes beneath, or apart from our consciousness. An 'ideational change' may take place in the cerebrum. The sensorium is 'unreceptive, so the idea does not reach consciousness. Sometimes, however, the idea oozes out from the fingers, through muscular action, also unconscious.

The ideational content of stupor has also its analogue in crime. The desire for perpetuation of relationships unprosperous in this world is not seen only in the delusion of mutual death. One can hardly pick up a newspaper without reading of some unhappy man or woman who has slain a disillusioned lover and then committed suicide. XL, No. 11, 1913.

The method has also been applied with most gratifying results to the study of the characteristics of ideational behavior in human defectives, children, and adults, and in subjects afflicted with various forms of mental disease.

Although throughout the report I have used freely the psychological terms idea and ideation, it has been my aim to describe the behavior of my animals rather than to interpret it or speculate concerning its accompaniments. Certain acts I have designated as ideational simply because they seemed to exhibit the essential features of what we call ideational behavior in man.

But whether the thing attended to is a perception or an idea, we may properly speak of it as the object of attention or the "focal" object. In addition to this, we must recognize the presence of a large number of other objects, both sensory and ideational. These are nearer the margin of the mental field, so we call them "marginal."

An ideational content may be gathered while the stupor is incubating, during interruptions, or from the recollections of recovered patients. Its peculiarity is a preoccupation with the theme of death, which is not merely a dominant topic but, often, an exclusive interest.