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And say that when I 'eard that nearly all the gay old crowd o' pupils 'ad gone away, day before yesterday, I could 'a blooming well cut me throat, thinkin' she'd gone too. Becos' when I swore in for the Town Guard, it was with the idear mind you rub that in! of strikin' a blow for Beauty as well as for Britanniar, twig?" The thin elbow in the tweed sleeve nudged her, provoking a joyous giggle.

"On'y jist showin' how one idear sort o' fetches up another," replied the old man, with simulated ease of manner. But as I was telling you chaps: About eleven o'clock, who should come dodgin' down the paddick but ole Martin. Bin pokin' roun' after Miss King, I s'pose. He walks right bang through the carrion, thinkin' they was the station bullicks; an' me layin' there, laughin' in to myself.

My! the way you always ran home so's to be there before he got in." "I know it," said Cora, mournfully. "I always was a home girl. Why, we always had planned we should have a little home of our own some day. He always said that was the right idear idea." Lil wiped her eyes. "What are you going to do about your new mink coat, Cora?"

And then they could claim their birthright of tears, the last privilege left to hearts encompassed with the darkness of the grave. The three were standing, some short while later, at the stairfoot, each looking at the other. Which was to go first? Aunt M'riar made a hesitating suggestion. "Supposin' you was to step up first, and look back to say...!" "That's one idear," said Uncle Mo.

Dear Gen: You can bet I was supprised to get a letter from you and when I wrote that article I didn't have no idear that they would something come out of it. Well Gen.

Her letter was ill-spelt and badly written, but it expressed more love than is given to most men. "Take care of yourself, Erny dear, for my sake," she wrote. "I am so proud of you doing so well in them horrid trenches.... Dear Erny, you can't have no idear how pleased I am that you are so brave, but be quick and come back to me what loves you so...." So brave!

I said if that was her idear of a joke, the quicker we parted the sooner. She began to bawl, and the old man and old woman put in, and I'd 'a' slapped that feller, Duke, if he'd 'a' had two arms on him. But you can't slap a half of a man." "I guess that's right." "I walked up to that girl, and I said: 'You've chawed the last wad of my gum you'll ever plaster up ag'in' your old lean jawbone.