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Mon cher Monsieur Reeve, Je suis bien touche de la bonne pensee que vous avez eue de m'ecrire a l'occasion de la nouvelle annee. Je vous remercie de tous vos bons voeux, et je vous prie de recevoir ici l'assurance de ceux que je forme pour vous et pour les votres. I am greatly obliged by your remarks on the future of France.

"Mais, comment! Toi ici, grosse bête! Et moi qui t'croyais " "'Tais pas d'tapage, Lily! Il faut m'respecter! 'Suis ici l'Pape!" With great difficulty Padre Irene made her listen to reason, for Lily was enchanteé to meet in Manila an old friend who reminded her of the coulisses of the Grand Opera House.

"Eh, bien, mon ami, qu'est ce que tu fais ici?" said a gay voice behind a clump of box; and immediately there started out, like a French picture from its frame, a dark-eyed figure, dressed like a Marquise of Louis XIV.'s time, with powdered hair, sparkling with diamonds.

Le temps seul et les progres de l'esprit humain pouvaient operer un discernement dans cette obscure synthese, et assigner a chaque element son role special. La vie, en un mot, n'etait ici, comme partout, qu'a la condition de l'evolution du germe primitif, de la distribution des roles et de la separation des organes.

Her verdict was delivered more in the emphasis of her shrug and the humor of her broad wink than in the loud-whispered "Comme vous voyez, chere dame, de toutes sortes ici, chez nous mais toujours bon genre!" The laughter of one who could not choose her world was stopped, suddenly, by the dipping of the thick fingers into an old snuff-box.

Whenever the communications are again open to Paris, and English return to it, I would give them this piece of advice never deal where ici on parle Anglais is written up; it means ici on vole les Anglais.

Je m'empresse de vous remercier de votre lettre et de vous dire tout le plaisir que la Comtesse de Paris et moi nous aurons a vous voir ici avec Madame et Mademoiselle Reeve.

Il est bon de remarquer ici que presque toute la cote occidentale avoit ete reduite par la flotte du Sieur Pierre de Bitter en 1664.

When an officer was found and identified, he was buried alone and his name was carefully written on the cross, but more often we saw graves marked thus: -Ici reposent deux offlciers et quarante hommes du 28 ... ieme.

"Nous sommes si heureux de vous avoir ici, chere Aunt Maria," answered Isobel, falteringly. "Aunt Marie, my dear. I have forsaken the good name that was given to me in baptism. One must keep apace with the times, and though Maria might be good enough for my greatgrandmother, my parents did not foresee that it was scarcely suitable for me!" The purple folds swelled visibly.