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Je suis un inventeur Anglais. Mon nom est Butteridge. Beh. oo. teh. teh. eh. arr. I. deh. geh. eh. J'avais ici pour vendre le secret de le flying-machine. Comprenez? Vendre pour l'argent tout suite, l'argent en main. Comprenez? C'est le machine a jouer dans l'air. Comprenez? C'est le machine a faire l'oiseau. Comprenez? Balancer? Oui, exactement! Battir l'oiseau en fait, a son propre jeu.

I was impressed by the splendid organisation of the Red Cross even quite close to the firing line. The Brown And Black Sons Of France Passing through one tent hospital an Algerian called out to me: "Ohe, la blonde, viens ici! J'ai quelque chose de beau a te montrer."

Upon one was graven, "Ci Git Daniel Vaimai, Kata-Kita, 1867-1907. R.I.P." The grave of a catechist, a native assistant to the priests. Beneath another lay "August Jorss," he who had ordered the Golden Bed in which I slept. Most conspicuous of all was a mausoleum surrounded by a high, black, iron railing brought from France. On this I climbed to read while perched on the points: "Ici repose Mg.

Following his usual plan of getting as much information as possible out of the French, he heard the old man, who seemed unaccountably shy and diffident, mutter casually "J'ai pensé que vous ètiez tous partis hier soir." "Comment?" said he, "tous partis? Mais, Monsieur, nous sommes les premiers Anglais qui sont arrivés ici." "Mais, Monsieur! Anglais? Ce n'est pas possible!"

"Comme je n'avais pas encore regagne d'appetit hier j'ai pense qu'il serait plus sage de rester ici encore un peu et je suis alle canoter sur la riviere. "Mr.

"Why, dash it all!" cried the disgusted colonel, "he's dancing along like a d d mountebank! But it's my Bingo, for all that!" "You are not convince? You shall see more. Azor, ici! Pour Beesmarck, Azor!" And the too accomplished animal rolled over as if killed in battle! "Where could Bingo have picked up so much French?" cried Lilian, incredulously.

The boat stops opposite a red velvet tent, and an invisible orchestra strikes up an air from Le Chalet, "Arretons-nous ici." I smile at this quite French childishness. I get off and walk through the midst of a hedge of smiling, kind faces of sailors, who offer me flowers. Within the tent all the life-savers are waiting for me, wearing on their broad chests the medals they have so well deserved.

In the mean time, Emilie and her mother were in an obscure lodging, at a haberdasher's near Golden Square. The pride of Mad. de Coulanges, at first, supported her even beyond her daughter's expectations; she uttered no complaints, but frequently repeated, "Mais nous sommes bien ici, tres bien we cannot expect to have things as well as at the Hotel de Coulanges."

Jamais personne de la famille Barbérie love de sea; mais, Monsieur, comment faire? I shall die sur la mèr de douleur; and I shall die d'ennui, to rester ici, bien sûr!" "Come then, faithful François," said Ludlow. "You shall follow your young mistress; and perhaps, on further trial, you may be disposed to think the lives of us seamen more tolerable than you had believed."

This is a grave error: even in Florence, although "Ici on parle français" is conspicuous in many shop-windows, I found I had to speak Italian or go unserved. I had a mortal dread of murdering the beautiful Italian language; so I wanted to speak it well before I commenced, like the Irishman who never could get his boots on until he had worn them a week.