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She saw a great deal of several other men in her class, enough not to make her preference for him significant to the college or to herself. They went for moonlight straw-rides, on moonlight and starlight skating and ice-boat parties, for long walks over the hills all invariably with others, but they were often practically alone.

Bobbsey asked her husband at the restaurant dinner table, while the children were busy talking among themselves. "No, not much. Everything is all right, I believe. I have some news for you, though, Bert," he went on, as his older son glanced across the table. "What is it?" Bert questioned. "Did Tommy Todd go through the ice in the Bird?" "No, but it has to do with the ice-boat.

The ice-boat careened and strained eagerly to sail away. The two gold-seekers, laughing like schoolboys, sat astride the pack; the Colonel shook out the canvas, and they scudded off up the river like mad.

Every seaside town has its yacht or boat club, and in this the interest is perpetual. Even in winter the yacht is rigged into an "ice-boat." I have often wondered that fashionable people do not take up the romantic sport of falconry, as they have the birds and every facility. I suggested this to a lady, who replied, "Ah, that is too barbaric for us." "More barbaric than cock-fighting?"

For some days after this the weather was stormy, so that the young folks could not go far from Snow Lodge. But they managed to have good times indoors, or out in the big barn. Then came another thaw, and a freeze followed some days later, making good skating. One afternoon Bert proposed to Harry that they go for a trip on the ice-boat. "But not too far," cautioned his father.

Yell at them! Tell them to look out! Yell at the man in the ice-boat!" It did indeed seem a time of danger, for a swift ice-boat one with big white sails and runners, like large skates under it, was skimming over the frozen lake straight for the smaller twins.

In these cold and solitary experiences which many a man has known before me, and many more will follow after me, the soul is like a skater, separated from his fellows upon a field of ice. Every movement that he makes seems to be bearing him farther from the society and the sympathy of his kind. Too benumbed, perhaps, to turn, he glides on, helpless as an ice-boat before the wind.

"I can get an old bed-sheet for a sail, if you will get your father to give you the lumber." "I'll try," answered Bert, and it was agreed that the ice-boat should be built during the following week, after school. Christmas was now but four weeks away, and the stores of Lakeport had their windows filled with all sort of nice things for presents.

For want of boards, the necessary interior wainscoting had never been put up. The sight of the frozen pond suggested to Mr. Holt a plan for easily obtaining them. It was to construct an ice-boat, such as he had seen used by the Indians: to go down to the 'Corner' on skates, lade the ice-boat with planks, and drive it before them back again.

"Nope!" cried Flossie, shaking her flaxen curly head. "I'm never going to ride in an ice-boat with you any more. Never! You go too fast, and stop too quick. I'm going to walk home!" "What's the matter, children?" asked Uncle Jack, and he came plowing his way through the snow. "Ah, your ice-boat is upset, I see! Well, you two are pretty small potatoes to be out sailing alone.