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This was scarcely to be wondered at, for Nancy Tresize had asked him to take her to Gurnard's Head, which, as all Cornish people know, is near to the town of St. Ia, and one of the most favoured spots in the county.

Look here, as you are so anxious for the title of duchess, you belong to the Comtat, and the Pope will certainly think as much of you as he does of all those merchants down there; he'll sell you a duchy with some name ending in 'ia' or 'agno. Don't play away your happiness for an office under the Crown." The poet's reflections during the night were thoroughly matter of fact.

Samuel Carmalt, wealthy land owner in Pennsylvania. Dr. W.W. Woolsey, born in 1831; graduated from Yale; physician, Dubuque, Ia. T.B. Woolsey, flour merchant, New York. Samuel W. Johnson, graduated from Princeton and Harvard law school; New York lawyer. Woolsey Johnson, M.D., graduated from Princeton and New York Medical College; physician, New York.

Gulf City is a mud bank and no more fitted to be a naval base than Keokuk, Ia. Altacoola it's got to be, for the good of the country and the honor of Mississippi. "And one thing more, Senator. I'd just like to add that not a single man connected with that committee is going to make a cent out of the deal. You get that straight?"

The postal card will soon invade even that verbosity, and the correspondent will simply say, "Poor very children ten chills and fever myself no quinine desperate your money or your life Bartholomew Wiggins, Dismal Swamp, Ia." Postal cards are likewise a relief to that large class of persons who by sealed envelope are roused to inquisitiveness.

She remembered the circumstances under which she had parted from Bob; she called to mind the time when she had given him a white feather in the Public Hall at St. Ia, and her face crimsoned with shame at the thought of it. No one could offer a more deadly insult than she had offered Bob. She had branded him as a coward, regardless of who might be looking on.

I have before me a list of his engagements for the summer weeks of this year, 1915, and I shall set it down because it will specifically show, far more clearly than general statements, the kind of work he does. The list is the itinerary of his vacation. Vacation! Lecturing every evening but Sunday, and on Sundays preaching in the town where he happens to be! June 24 Ackley, Ia.

But, never mind, I have my husband and two sons still alive but no, I will not take your money. Perhaps you have a mother, young monsieur?" "Yes," replied Bob, and the picture of his mother sitting alone in the old home at St. Ia flashed before his eyes. "Ah, yes, I see," said the old woman. "I see. But perhaps you have brothers, sisters?" "No, I am her only son."

"A young lady of my acquaintance, of a finished education, lost her reason in the Winter of 1871-2, and in August, 1872, was placed in the institution for the insane, at Mt. Pleasant, Ia. No encouragement was given of her recovery, and a year later, when her father visited her, in June, 1873, she appeared so badly, that he said it would be a relief to know that she was dead. Soon after, Mrs.

Kumta u put la ka jingput bad la ka jingshad nohlyngngeb pynjem ryndang jaw ummat. Te ke mahadei, haba ka la khymih na kawei ka thliew kaba pei, ka la iohih ia u; hangta lei-lei kam don pyrthei shuh haduh ba ka la kyddiah ia ki jingkhang bad ka la rung shapoh iing.