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We know that telepathic hypnotism is a fact the numerous cases recorded by Myers and Janet being good proof of this. Further, we know that dreams may be induced experimentally, by means of telepathic suggestion. The deeper the trance, the more the medium is in touch with the other world, the less with this; and vice versa.

There are many other interesting and unique devices and aids you can use for inducing hypnosis. Rather than present them all in this book, I have fully described them and their technique of operation in a 144-page illustrated catalog. This catalog not only contains a list of hypnotic aids, but a description and listing of over 450 hypnotism and self-help books.

"Well, Roger if to see with the sight of another is hypnotism, then every man who writes a book or tells a good tale is a hypnotist; every historian who makes us see the past is a necromancer." "You read of the Thing ?" "No," she replied, after a long pause.

The various schools of psychologists, neurologists, 'alienists, and employers of hypnotism for curative or experimental purposes, appear to differ very widely among themselves, and the layman may read but he cannot criticise their works. The essays which follow are historical, anthropological, antiquarian. 'Shadow' or Magic of the Dene Hareskins: its four categories.

The most common objection of legal writers is directed against the various crimes to which hypnotism is apt to lead men of criminal propensities. They point to the statements of Dr.

To all appearances, the patient is fully awake, his eyes are open, and he answers when spoken to, but his voice does not have the same sound as when awake. Yet, in this state the patient is susceptible of all the hallucinations of insanity which may be induced at the verbal command of the operator. One of the most curious features of this stage of hypnotism is the effect on the memory.

There must be material force in this, since a thought heightens the temperature of the brain. But this force has its limits of distance, &c. To connect apparitions with hypnotism. This is described as occurring to the butler of the Haunted House at B , Harold Sanders, in 1896; to Mr. "Endell," and to others.

In a state of fatigue or under the influence of alcohol or under the influence of strong emotions, in hope and fear, the suggestibility is reënforced. The highest degree of suggestibility is that mental state which we call hypnotism, in which the power to resist the proposed idea of action is reduced to a minimum.

Norden in his experiments with nervous diseases used hypnotism, suggestion, psychotherapy, all the modern forms of supernaturalism. His attitude was ever, as he said to Isabelle, "It might be who knows?" "There is truth, some little truth in all the ages, in all the theories and beliefs."

He saw the colour again receding from her face. "Don't for a moment believe I think there is any phantom dog there," he said soothingly. "All I believe and what you have told me confirmed my theory is that Timmy Tosswill can not only see what's in your subconscious mind, but that he can build up a kind of image of it and produce what is called, I believe, in the East, collective hypnotism.