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The left ventricle in this condition does not become hypertrophied. If the heart does act rapidly and the left ventricle contracts on an insufficient amount of blood, the peripheral pulse is necessarily small and the arterial tension is diminished.

But I have also seen men who have mastered the scientific method, the method of controlled observation, and unprejudiced induction and inference, in the laboratories of pure science; and who have gained so overweening and hypertrophied a regard for this method that they have considered it too holy to be contaminated by application to practical problems, who have sneered contemptuously when some adventurer has proposed, for example, to subject the teaching of science itself to the searchlight of scientific method.

The pulmonary artery thus finds the pressure ahead unusually great, and the right ventricle reflexly learns that it requires a greater force to empty itself than before; in fact, it may not succeed in completely accomplishing this until its distention, by an incomplete evacuation of its contained blood plus the blood coming from the right auricle, has caused the right ventricle also to become hypertrophied.

Up to the Leipzig period he had great joy in wandering unknown, unconscious of self; but he soon began to torment himself with an almost hypertrophied fancy that he was attracting much attention, that others' eyes were turned on his person to fix it in their memories, that he was scanned and found fault with; and hence he developed a love of the country, of the woods and solitary places, where he could be hedged in and separated from all the world.

If there is more general edema, the hands and face puffing, and there are considerable nausea and vomiting, headache and drowsiness, and perhaps muscular twitchings, with neuralgic pains, the most serious trouble at that particular time lies in the kidney insufficiency. The heart is generally enlarged and hypertrophied.

"You'll pull tons less of solid weight in a day, Levi," said Best, "when this gets going." "And why should I be asked to pull tons less of solid weight? What's the matter with this?" He thrust out his right arm with hypertrophied muscles hard as steel. "It seems to me that a time's coming when the people won't want muscles any more," he said.

It also becomes hypertrophied when the subject drinks largely of liquid water or beer and overloads his blood vessels and increases the work the heart must do. This kind of hypertrophy develops slowly because the resistance in the circulation is gradual or intermittent. In athletes and in soldiers who are required to march long distances, hypertrophy generally occurs.

Now that we know how certainly the special cells of the brain which are locally affected by pain and anger become hypertrophied by so much use, and all too ready for use in the future at the slightest stimulus, we can no longer slight the importance of habit.

If from any cause this hypertension persists, the muscular coats of the arteries will become more or less hypertrophied, and sooner or later degenerative changes begin in the intima, and finally fibrosis occurs in the external coat of the arteries; in other words, arteriosclerosis is in evidence.

"I have already mentioned the retinues that accompany most of the intellectuals: ushers, bearers, valets, extraneous tentacles and muscles, as it were, to replace the abortive physical powers of these hypertrophied minds. Porters almost invariably accompany them.