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Birt asked with increasing suspicion. "Las' week," said Tim carelessly. Another problem! Why had Nate not communicated with his partner about their proposed work? It seemed a special avoidance. "I onderstood ez how he aimed ter bide away longer," Birt remarked. "He did count on stayin' longer," said Tim, "but he rid night an' day ter git hyar sooner.

But thet long ridge you call Sherman Pass it ain't so fur we couldn't get thar on snow-shoes except in the wust weather. I reckon you can stay with me hyar." "Good!" exclaimed Neale. "And now about Allie." "Wal, what about her?" "Shall I leave her here or send her back to Omaha with the first caravan, or let her go to Fort Fetterman with the troops?"

But he held his peace while the girl went steadily on. "I oft-times takes myself ter task fer thet suspicion, because hit don't seem far ter feel thet-a-way an' not know no reason." She looked at him questioningly and very gravely, as one resolved upon a full but difficult confession. "I hain't nuver seed ye foller no reg'lar work. Ye hain't doin' nothin' hyar now but jest hangin' around."

Then Dorothy broke the revery: "Ye've done wore a face of brown study hyar of late, Cal," she said as her hand stole out and closed over his, "an' I knows full well what sober things ye've got ter ponder over but air hit anything partic'lar or new?"

Thar's a sperit that some of us hes fostered hyar, and hit'll go on jest ther same without us hit's a bigger thing then any man, an' hit's goin' ter dog ye till hit gits ye all every sneakin' mother's son an' every murderin' man-jack of yore sorry outfit!

Rufe had not far to fall, but Byers was a tall man. His arms swayed like the sails of a windmill in the effort to recover his balance. He was in danger of toppling into the pit, and in fact only caught himself on his knees at its verge. "Ye torment!" he roared angrily, as he struggled to his feet. "G'way from hyar, or I'll skeer ye out'n yer wits!"

"It ain't no cheerful camp, but I never seen a safer place to hole up in," he remarked to Wilson. "Wal, yes if any place is safe," replied that ally, dubiously. "We can watch our back tracks. There ain't any other way to git in hyar thet I see." "Snake, we was tolerable fair sheep-rustlers, but we're no good woodsmen." Anson grumbled his disdain of this comrade who had once been his mainstay.

"I don't relish this hyar job overly much nohow.... Ye fo'ced me ter layway ther man ... but when ye comes ter makin' a common thief outen me, I'm ready ter quit." At this hint of insubordination Rowlett's anger came back upon him, but now instead of frothy self-betrayal it was cold and domineering.

"Gawd help us all ef er new feud hes broken out hyar," said Jerry solemnly, as he finished. "But yo' air my friend, enjyin' ther hospitality of my roof, an' from this day Judd Amos air my mortal enemy, even though he be my next neighbor." Donald sadly removed his coat, and, wrapping it around the body of his chum, arose, and the silent, painful journey home was begun. Supper was over.

"From the ways, Lee-yander, ez ye hev been brung up by them slack-twisted Sud-leys ungodly folks 'ceptin' what little regeneration they kin git from the sermons of Brother Peter Vick-ers, who air onsartain in his mind whether folks ez ain't church-members air goin' ter be damned or no I ain't s'prised none ter view ye hyar."