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"An' es fer comin' back," Jerry continued blandly, "some day you're ergoin' ter invite me back. Anyhow, I reckon I'd come, because thar's somethin' hyar thet'll kinderly pulls me hither stronger then guns kin skeer me off." The girl sat there on her doorstep with her rifle across her knees and halfway to the fence-line Jerry paused and looked back.

For a moment she met the excited gaze of the man who towered over her and then in a coldly scornful voice she spoke, not to him, but to Brent. "I reckon ye war right, Mr. Brent, when ye asked me whether I wanted this man sent way. Thar hain't no need of his tarryin' hyar." "Just a moment, Alexander," smiled Brent, enjoying in spite of himself his friend's discomfiture.

"`Wal, an iv it does, repeated the trapper, `we'll walk out o' this hyar jug afore sun-up, an' upon a good hard trail too. "The expression of every face was changed, as if by magic. Several leaped to their feet. Gode, the Canadian, skilled in snow-craft, ran to a bank, and drawing his hand along the combing, shouted back "`C'est vrai; il gele; il gele!

"Well, dey mos' generally calls 'em stock-peas, round hyar aways." "There," said the pea-champion triumphantly. "But," broke in the leader of the bean party, "Uncle, don't they also call them beans?" "Well, yes, chile, I spec dat lots of 'em does." And this was about the way the matter usually ended. I will not attempt to bias the reader's judgment by saying which side I believed to be right.

When he had reached the half-way point he put his load down and shouted clamorously for help, until the black wall of the Harper house showed an oblong of red light and the girl's voice came back in answer. "I've got a dyin' man hyar," he called, briefly, "an' I needs aid."

"Now, den," said she; "take dis hyar letter to de man what works de telegrum in Hetertown, and fotch me back an answer." About a week after this letter was written, Kate said to Harry: "You really ought to have Aunt Matilda's roof mended. There are several holes in it. I think her house ought to be made tight and warm before winter; don't you?" "Certainly," said Harry.

Then, as though somewhat ashamed at the boastfulness in his words, he added hastily, "But I take no credit fer thet Gawd give me the skill ter do hit, an' I might hev used hit ter better purpose then ofttimes I did, fer I was overproud er my skill. "I shor' thanks ye fer this hyar rifle-gun, an', come Thanksgiving time, I hopes ter send ye a wild turkey bird killed by hit."

He paused as if welcoming interruption, but it was not in this man's slow, sure nature to interrupt. "Tell us what you do mean!" O' course you objeck: that's natural, that's right. I like your objectin', an' I'm going to fight it to a show-down. First you'll say, `You're verruckt crazy. See hyar now!

"All right. Then ef fresh war-farin' kin be carcumvented, ye still stands beholden by thet pledge, don't ye?" "Ef hit kin be, yes but how kin hit be?" "Thet's what I aims ter show ye. Ye talks erbout yore grievance. Now listen ter mine. Ther bullit wound hyar in my shoulder hain't healed yit an' thar hain't no hotter fire in hell then my own hate fer whoever caused hit.

Nope, Stewart, thet's jest my way with hoss-thieves, raiders, Greasers, murderers, an' sich. See hyar, you Sneed, git off an' put the irons on this man." The guerrilla called Sneed slid off his horse and began to fumble in his saddle-bags. "You see, Bill," went on Hawe, "I swore in a new depooty fer this particular job. Sneed is some handy. He rounded up thet little Mexican cat fer me."