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I was for imparting some of these to our doctor; but the good gentleman shut my mouth. "Hush," says he, with a comical look of fright. "I must hear none of this. If two people who happen to know each other chance to meet and talk in my patients' room, I cannot help myself; but as for match-making and love-making, I am your humble servant! What will the General do when he comes back to town?

"That is something," said Jael, in a low voice; and her hands trembled at her side. "Why, my dear girl, what's the matter?" "Hush! hush?" Grace came in, that moment, with a superb air. She settled herself on the sofa. "Now, it is my turn, if you please. Pray, sir, do you think your life will be any safer for your insuring it?

No; nor Roderick Darrel, who, in this business, is no more worthy o' gratitude. Hush! who comes?" It was Polly herself in a short, red skirt, her arms bare to the elbows. She began to busy herself about the house. "Too bad you took off that pretty dress, Polly," said Trove, when he returned. She came near and whispered to him.

'Mid gleaming clouds the pale moon swings, Thy taper light a faint star brings, But hush! Where is Elaine? Elaine, hast thou forgotten? Harlan had never written any poetry before, but it had always seemed easy. Now, as he read the verses over again, he was tremendously satisfied with his achievement.

I've got a cheek to ask you to marry me me! before I wear any tag to identify me except the dollar mark " "Oh, hush, Scott! You are talking utter nonsense; don't you know it?" He made a large and rather grandiose gesture: "Around me lies opportunity, Kathleen every stone; every brook " The mischievous laughter of his listener checked him. She said: "I'm sorry; only it made me think of

Susannah began her question impetuously, but Elvira silenced her. "Hush! Don't let the other women know that it isn't yours. Poor things, they will begin to ask why it isn't theirs. Do you think that we are living on bowing terms, curtseying to each other and saying, 'After you, madam, if you please'?" Elvira was changed. Terror had at last done its work.

"Oh, I'm sure it's the same one!" insisted Nan. "We've found the missing pieces, Bert, and we'll get " "Hush!" cautioned Billy, for the old man was coming back. "You want to buy them?" he asked. "I sell cheap. It's a great bargain." "Where did they come from?" asked Bert. "Come from? How shoulds I know.

"Hush, Archelaus!" his master commanded sternly, and reproached himself afterwards for having felt not altogether ill-pleased. "Well, sir, I thank you kindly; and I won't deny 'twill be a comfort to go about with the lower half of me looking a bit less like a pen-wiper. But what be I to do with the pesky things? Return 'em?" "On no account.

"Mamma always allows us to do what we like Saturday afternoon, when Franz and Emil come, doesn't she, Mr. Bhaer?" said Minnie. The 'effalunt' sat up, looking as much in earnest as any of them, and said soberly to me, "I gif you my wort it is so, if we make too large a noise you shall say Hush! to us, and we go more softly."

'And me a pouncet-box? added Annora. 'And me a French puppet dressed Paris fashion? said Dolly. 'And what shall he bring Lucy? added Bess. 'I know, said Annora; 'the pearls that mother is always talking about! I heard her say that Lucy should wear them on her wedding-day. 'Hush! interposed Lucy, 'don't you see my father yonder on the step, beckoning to you?