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Clarence stared. "Am I to to play with it?" he said, glancing at the coins and then at the table, in ignorance of the stranger's meaning. "No, no!" said the man hurriedly, "don't do that. You'll lose it, sonny, sure! Keep it, old man, and run home!" "I don't want it!

"I will write to-day and tell her I want a book that will teach me to fly." This raised a storm of laughter, for Henry Benson's stout figure bid fair to develop still further along lines of considerable girth, and the very thought of Fat flying was highly humorous to his mates. The little group broke up hurriedly as Bob looked at his watch and saw how time was slipping away.

I suppose it is because of the high tuition fees and the expensive board here." "We had better hustle along. Hear that?" Jerry; raised a hand for attention. "That is the train whistling." Without further delay the quartette hurriedly sought the stairs and reached the platform a moment or two before the train appeared in sight.

"It only seems like it, darling," returned the widow hurriedly. "We don't understand His ways. `Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him!" It seemed as if God were about to test the faith of His servant, for at that moment a cab drove furiously round the corner of a street and knocked her down. Jack was overturned at the same time.

"Oh, I've just told the girls that you're going to run that foot- race," Helen interposed, hurriedly, at which Fresno exploded. "What's wrong with my running?" inquired Speed. "I can beat you!" Larry Glass nudged his employer openly, and seemed on the verge of hysteria. "Let him go," said he. "Let him go; he's funny."

Ah! that lame and halting Charity, which proffers help when men are dead! The priest still lingered on the settee when the Baroness rose. She had seen magistrate Amadieu hurriedly enter like one who just wished to show himself, purchase some trifle, and then return to the Palace of Justice.

"How? Where? What can I do for you?" "Nothing!" was faintly murmured. By this time, Cara began to feel really alarmed. Leaving the room hurriedly, she gave the babe she held in her arms to one of her domestics, and then returned.

"If that girl is going to get in the habit of sitting by Terry day after day," I hurriedly told myself, "I might far better have let him sell his car and grow ostriches or something in South Africa. That idea shall be nipped before it is a bud." "I fear I should take up too much room in the tonneau," I suggested with feigned meekness.

"Sir!" cried he to Patterson; "you are, I perceive, fatigued and weak. Your life is in great danger. Mount, sir mount! I am fresh and will take my chance on foot." "God bless you, sir! God bless you for this noble act!" exclaimed Patterson, as Reynolds assisted him, into the saddle. "If I escape " "Enough!" said Reynolds, hurriedly, interrupting him. "Fly, sir fly! God be with you! Adieu!"

Above all was a close bonnet, and a thick vail, which she drew around her face as she stepped into the street and glided hurriedly away. "She's a touch above the vulgar, Michael," broke in Berlaps, the owner of the shop, coming forward as he spoke. "Yes, indeed! That craft has been taut rigged in her time." "Who can she be, Michael? None of your common ones, of course?"