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"I reckon yer could," said Bud sarcastically. "I wuz offered ten dollars fer it by a hombre down ter Las Vegas a month ago. But he was a husky feller, an' wanted a strong shooter. He wanted ter go out huntin' fer a feller with it, an' I wouldn't let him hev it. Is it a go, shore enough?" "It be."

Fifteen years ago I was over on Tupper's Lake, shantyin' on the high bank above the rocks, just at the outlet, fishin' and huntin', and layin' around loose, in a promiscuous way, all alone by myself, havin' nobody along but the old black dog that you," appealing to Hank Wood, who nodded assent, remember.

"I must must go to school." "Rats" shouted Archie B., seizing him with both hands and shaking him savagely "here I am argu'in' with you about a thing that any fool orter see when I cu'd a bin yonder a huntin' for that squirrel nest I wus tellin' you about. Now what'll happen if you go to school? Ole Triggers'll find out where you've been an' what a-doin' he'll lick you.

"Hallo! Oke," thus irreverently did Archie address the chief had any one else ventured to do so, he might possibly have been scalped "Hallo! Oke, I've been huntin' for you all round. You're worse to find than an arrow in the grass." It may be said, here, that Archie had learned, like some of the other settlers, a smattering of the Cree language. How he expressed the above we know not.

"They they has caught the captain," she said, brokenly, "an' now they bes huntin' all 'round the harbor for his boat. I has come to tell ye an' to help ye." George Wick parted the bushes, raised his lantern and peered up at her. "There bain't no call for ye to be cryin'," he said, in a changed voice. "If ye means no treachery, lass, then I'll not be hurtin' ye."

Taggart's got evidence that your dad planted the idol around here somewheres seems to know that your dad drawed a diagram of the place an' left it with Betty. He set Telza to huntin' for it. Telza got it tonight it was hid somewhere. I was with him waitin' for him. If he got the diagram I was to knife him and take it away from him.

"What I give him was for somebody else, an' was sure little enough. He's got the grudge against me." "Ahuh! Wal, then, don't you go huntin' fer trouble. Try an' make White Slides one place thet'll disprove your name. All the same, don't shy at sight of anythin' suspicious round the ranch." The old man plodded thoughtfully away, leaving the hunter likewise in a brown study.

How did you manage to do it?" asked little Trevor, eagerly. "Oh, for the matter o' that it's easy to explain; but it wasn't my jump I was goin' to tell about; it was the jump o' a poor critter a sort o' ne'er-do-well who jined a band o' us trappers the day before we arrived at this place, on our way through the mountains on a huntin' expedition.

I reckon Pat could hev kept on foolin' me an' the boys, but as soon as Stewart showed up on the scene wal, either Pat got to blunderin' or else we-all shed our blinders. Anyway, the facts stood plain. Pat Hawe wasn't lookin' hard fer any bandits; he wasn't daid set huntin' anythin', unless it was trouble fer Stewart.

And the Lord helpin' me," with grim solemnity, "an' since He sent you here huntin' a room, an' since He helped me get the machine, hard to run as it is, somehow I'm believin' more He's the Lord of us poor folks too, an' Him a-helpin' me to turn out one more pair of pants a day, I'll never be the means of puttin' no child in a refuge no-how an' no time. An' there it is, how I feel about it!"